Happy Birthday Tony

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I was working on another chapter and then my calendar was like "Oh hey it's Tony Stark's birthday", so here we are. Happy Birthday Tony! :D

-General POV-

      When Tony Stark woke up this morning, it felt no different than any other. Sure it was his birthday. He always kept track of dates and times, so when he went to bed last night he knew exactly what he was waking up to. This was his first year living with the Avengers in what used to be his own tower, yet he still wasn't used to walking into his kitchen to get his morning coffee and seeing at least three of his teammates sitting at the communal table, eating cheap sugary cereal. Well the cereal  being eaten depended on the particular Avenger. Tony poured some freshly brewed coffee into his favorite mug as Clint trudged past him towards the cereal cabinet.
"Mrnin' Stark." Clint mumbled out still half asleep. Which was rare to see due to him usually waking up early to workout, save for weekends. Today happened to be Saturday.
"Morning Barton. Wish I could stay around longer but I happen to have a very, very busy day ahead of me. Lots of meetings." And with that Tony left, seeming sad for a split second before pulling his poker face.

          Tony rarely, if not ever celebrated his birthday. Growing up, Howard has never let him have a birthday party, or even acknowledged it really. Hell, Tony's never even had a birthday cake. The last birthday party he ever threw himself was three years ago, and he only did that because he was dying and wanted to go out happy. Granted fighting your best friend, destroying your house, causing public distress, and, oh yeah, peeing your fucking armor, didn't really add up to a great last birthday, and he hasn't had a party since. At least he had all the sudden SI meetings to tend to. It helps his mind not wander.

-Steve's POV-

          Me and the other four Avengers have been planning this surprise party for Tony for about two weeks. It initially came from Rhodey. He suggested they throw him one since he's never had a quiet and meaningful birthday. Usually it's all public, loud, and partying, and not actually celebrating him. And now since it's more than just him and Pepper as his only friends, it'd work out. I arranged for Pepper to completely pack Tony's schedule with meetings on his birthday so we'd have all day to set up. (Which I'd apologize for later) I was in charge of making the cake, Clint was decorating with Natasha and Pepper, while Thor, Rhodey, and Bruce were in charge of shopping and wrapping. Rhodey told me about Tony's childhood birthdays, and no wonder Clint said Tony was acting like it was a normal day this morning. After that I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect today. This team just wouldn't ever be the same without the witty genius, and I want him to know how important he is to this team and everyone on it.

          It was around 6:45 when JARVIS announced that Tony had entered the building and was on his way up. We all hid and I shut off the lights just as the elevator doors slid open.
"Nobody home huh?" Tony sighed out and then let out an almost inaudible "Figures." A wave of sadness washed over me hearing his defeated voice, and before he could step into the kitchen I flicked the lights on, and the seven of us yelled out 'Surprise'.

          Tony looked visibly shocked before smiling widely as he accepted a hug from Rhodey.
"They knew?" Tony whispered to his friend
"Yeah. They all remembered Tones. Just couldn't say anything because if they all wished you happy birthday, you'd get suspicious and figure it out."
I approached Tony and put a hand on his shoulder, wishing him an 18 hours late happy birthday, and he did the unthinkable and hugged me. Tony is not a touchy person. Well as far as we go. When Rhodey visits he has absolutely no problem cuddling with his friend, but I've never even been chest to chest with him as I am now.
"Thank you." He whispered into the crook of my neck "I...I thought you didn't care." I held his shoulders and looked into his deep caramel eyes.
"Tony. Of course I care. We all care. You're the best this team has. You give us so much, it's really the least we could do." He smiled up at me genuinely "Oh! I made you cake!" And I didn't think his eyes could light up more

         After we all finished cleaning up I decided to walk Tony to his room. Just because it's on the way to mine. Not because I've been so busy planning I forgot to actually buy Tony a gift and didn't realize it until Tony was opening his presents from us.
"I am really, really sorry. I'll go out tomorrow and get you something you'll love. God how could I forget?" I rambled
"You wanna get me something I'll love?" He started and looked up at me "Then I think you've already given me that." He flushed adorably
"Well. I think you deserve more from me than just a party."
"Wasn't talking about the party, Cap." Now it was my turn to blush
"And if you're still looking for a present, I think I'd be pretty satisfied with a kiss from Captain America. You know if he's up for that." I smiled softly at him and leaned down, kissing him sweetly and holding him tight to me.
"I think he's up for that." I spoke up, bumping foreheads with him. And that was the first of many, many birthday kisses to come.

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