What Has Been Seen Can Not Be Unseen

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Yeah, so there's probably absolutely no picture anywere on the internet to go with this chapter. But who cares? I didn't feel like searching. So. Yeah. Enjoy bitches. It's literally just crack.

-Steve's POV-

          I had just gotten out of the bathroom after showering (due to wash of the sweat from my morning run), when I'd heard a firm knock at the door. I glanced over at Tony, sleeping soundly in our shared bed, making sure he wasn't disturbed. He came and trudged up to bed around 5am. It's currently 7. No way am I letting him only get two hours of sleep. I quietly made my way to the door, surprised to see Clint standing there.

"Good morning Clint. Can I help you?" I asked, still confused

"Yeah, actually. Would it be too much trouble if I used your shower? Mine is broke. I think. The water just isn't working at all in my room for whatever reason. And Nat's using hers right now. Bruce is still asleep, and I just don't like asking Thor for things in general."

Great, another excuse Tony can use to not sleep.

"Sure. I don't mind. Just please try to be quiet. Tony came to bed just two hours ago and he really needs sleep."

"Roger that, Cap."

-Tony's POV-

I awoke groggily to the sound of our shower running. Steve must have just gotten back from his morning run. I stretched, popping my back some and shuffled out of bed towards the bathroom. I didn't get to shower last night so I figured that's a good enough excuse as any to shower with my gorgeous, muscular boyfriend. I inhaled the water vapor as I stripped quietly, not wanting to alert Steve. I stepped into the shower stall, the air inside considerably warmer as I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend's muscular abdomen and pressed a soft kiss to his strong shoulders. 

"Mornin' big guy." I mumbled, still nearly asleep.

He tensed under me and visibly froze. That's weird. Normally when I do that he relaxes, not tenses. Maybe I caught him too off guard? Also he seems kind of smaller today. I could've sworn his shoulders were broader than that. He smells different too. Kind of like... my face paled...Clint...

I pulled my arms back to my sides like I was scalded as the not-Steve man hesitantly turned around. We both screamed, rather non-masculine screams, as we had a full view of each other.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Stark?!"

"Excuse me?! What am I doing here? Have you checked who's bathroom you're in?! I think what you meant was what the fuck are YOU doing here, Barton!"

Clint dramatically covered his face screaming something along the lines of 'MY EYES' as the bathroom door swung open violently, me scrambling out of the shower like it was on fire.

"Clint are you okay?! I heard scr- Tony?! Why the hell are you naked?!" Steve sounded almost as mortified as I felt. Almost.

"Steve why the fuck is he in here?! Get him the fuck out! My God, nothing is fucking sacred in this tower anymore! I can't even enjoy a nice morning shower with my boyfriend!"

I grabbed Steve's arm and dragged him out of the bathroom, while clutching a towel around my chest, slamming the door behind us.

"So...Clint's entire water system isn't working..."

"Yeah. No. I got that. Good God."

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