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Okay so the picture does not 100% reflect the fic. It just. I honestly don't remember how I found this, but it gave me inspiration or whatever. So. There will be sexual themes in this chapter. But no actual smut. Sorry you sinners. And I think that's about it.

-Steve's POV-

           I woke up earlier than planned this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, leading me to decide to start my morning schedule earlier than normal. I got back from my run around 6:30am, still much too early for anyone else in the team to be up and in the common areas, like the kitchen where I currently sat. Natasha is probably up working out with Clint. They usually aren't up and about the tower till around 7:30-8:00 though. I sighed and fixated my attention to my phone. Tony got me a brand new model (that he made himself) for Christmas. I still have a lot of things to figure out about it. As I was toying around with the settings app I was caught off guard when a yawn and shuffling reached my ears. Tony himself trudged into the kitchen, paying no mind to me at all. Probably too sleep deprived to even notice me sitting here. He got a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with tap water, stopping abruptly and squinting down at the drain.
"Goddammit Barton. Stop putting the fucking coffee grounds down the sink!" He groaned out. I huffed out a soft laugh, still unnoticed by him as I let my eyes roam over him. His hair was mussed and he was wearing an old black tank top and grease-stained tan skin. As well as...Captain America pajama pants? He had loose, blue pants with the pattern of my shield all over them, hanging low on his hips. They looked definitely worn too. He must have had them for a few years.
"Cap? Shit I didn't even see you there." Looks like I've finally been spotted.
"Morning Tony. Yeah sorry. I didn't wanna spook you. Especially when you're holding glass. Nice pants by the way." He looked confused for a moment before looking down, his eyes widening, as a dusting of blush covered his cheeks.
"Crap. I uh. Totally forgot I was wearing those. Well. This is embarrassing. Sorry." He forced out
"No, no. It's. They're nice on you. Didn't know you were a Captain America fan is all." I smiled softly at him. Damn he looks good
"Heh. Yeah. Remember who raised me? Your show was like the only cartoon I was allowed to watch. Still remember the song and all. You know. Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way." He sang out. His singing was gorgeous too. Though at the actual tune I did feel my smugness get overpowered a bit by embarrassment. That song embarrassed me in the long run. The whole thing did.
"So anything else you wanna tell me?" I asked, fighting down a light blush.
"Oh sure Cap. If you really wanna hear about my horny teenage endeavors, sexcapades, if you will, with your poster I had on my wall since childhood." He near purred. He always gets cocky when he's talking about sex or something that will embarrass you.
Two can play it that game.
"Actually." I edged closer to him "I think I would like to hear about that." I murmured out, going an octave lower as I put my hands on his hips.
"Why, Mr. Rogers. Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" He fought down more blush.
I moved in closer, our lips almost touching "If you promise me it won't be a one-time thing. Then yeah." I mumbled against his lips. He crashed his lips into mine and pulled himself impossibly close, breaking the kiss for a second.
"Let's get to it then, Captain." He said before jumping up and wrapping his perfect, Captain America clad legs around my waist.

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