Just a Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man (Superfamily)

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In which Tony and Steve find out what their son uses his unnatural powers for. Teenage bitching and a bit of overall angst ensues. But like there's a happy ending. So. Enjoy.

-Peter's POV-

          "Pete?" Oh God, dad please don't ask about my face. Please please ple-
"Peter come here." Crap. I trudged over to my dad, he was resting his chin on one hand while the other was placed around a blue ceramic coffee mug with Pops' shield on it. He had his eyes squinted like he did when he was calculating something.
"Peter do you have a black eye?"
"No. Geez dad maybe you should go get your eyes checked out." I laughed out awkwardly.
"Come on Pete. I'm not stupid. And I know a pretty shitty foundation and powder cover when I see one. Who or what gave you a black eye and why are you trying to hide it from me? Are you getting bullied? Is that why you're gone all the time? I've tried overlooking it and let you have your space Pete, but it's time to tell me what the hell's going on."
"It's nothing. I swear. I ran into a pole at school. I was texting and wasn't looking where I was going." He narrowed his eyes more and huffed out.
"Okay. I'm trusting you kiddo. And before you go running off, make sure your back around 6 please. Your father is getting home from his mission tonight."

-Later That Night (Around 5:50) Still Peter's POV-

          I shut my bedroom window and locked it. I just finished up taking care of a robbery down the street and I managed to get back with enough time to clean up before Pops gets back. I pulled off my mask and inhaled the clean scent of my room before going to pull off my boots. I suddenly heard my door open and an all too familiar voice.
"Hey Pete. What do you want f-..." I turned around and was met with my dad's face. His eyes clouded with shock, confusion, and fear.
"Hey d-dad!" I near wheezed out.
"Peter Stark-Rogers. This better not be what I think it is." Shit he's getting mad.
"I uh. I'm Spider Man?"
"You are grounded young man. So. Grounded."
"What? Why?!"
"Oh gee, I wonder! Maybe because you're only fifteen years old and you took it upon yourself to pull a fucking stunt like this?!"
"You and Pops did it!"
"Don't you dare try to pull that card Peter! I became a hero, as well as your father well when we were adults! And we didn't "do" it. We became heros under very different circumstances! Not just for the cheap thrills!"
"Oh yeah! Because you totally didn't throw yourself into the public eye with your suits at all! At least I have the decency to keep my identity a secret, rather than seeking even more publicity!" I saw my dad retaliate, looking like he'd been slapped before his anger snapped back.
"I'm not gonna play this game Peter! I'm just trying to protect you! Your my son! That's my job! I'm not gonna let you just go kill yourself!"
"You're not even my real dad! I'm not your son to protect! You adopted me! You have no say in anything because you're not my dad!" I screamed out before grabbing my mask, and webbed through the window, not bothering to open it. Not caring if I got cut.

-Tony's POV-

          I felt my heart wrench as I saw my son web off into the distance. I sunk to the floor as my eyes flooded with tears. He said I wasn't his dad. I always knew this day would come. No matter how well you raise an orphan, they'll at least once bring up that subject in an argument. I felt familiar, strong arms wrap around me and was clouded by the scent of my husband.
"Steve. He-he said-" I choked pitifully.
"I know. I know, doll. I heard the whole thing." He kissed my head gently " Just give him time to cool down. Okay? He just said it in the heat if the moment. That was not our Peter. " I excused myself from his hold going down to my workshop. I blacked out the glass and blared my music. I felt a full breakdown threatening to surface and I didn't want to be around anyone. I haven't had one of these in years, probably. As I sunk down to the floor, tears spilling over as the song Paranoid by Black Sabbath began. Even though I had my volume up as high as it could go the only thing I heard was Peter screaming how I wasn't his father. And all I could see was Howard. I didn't want to turn into Howard.

-Peter's POV-

          I landed on a building somewhere within a half mile radius of the tower. I was pissed the whole way here but now I felt everything sinking in. I told him he wasn't my dad. I covered my face with one hand, holding back a sob. How could I say that? Of course he was my dad! He was just looking out for my well-being! Did I just ruin everything? Will he ever look at me the same again? Will our conversations ever be the same again? What if he decides to get rid of me? I'm sure Pops would oblige. Who wants to come home to their son screaming about how ungrateful he is? I thought back to my childhood. My easy childhood. When Pops and Dad would come pick me up from elementary school in their suits to make me feel cool. And then we'd get home and Dad would help with my math homework while Pops would help me with my english. Then we would all have a family dinner. Me, Dad, Pops, Uncles Clint, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, Thor, on special occasions Rhodey, and Aunts Natasha and Pepper. I remember the big family movie nights. Or the nightmares. Where my dad would be there, telling me that it was okay, and that he had nightmares too. Or pulling me against him and letting me use his arc reactor as a nightlight. I now had tears cascading down my face. I had to make this right
          When I got back home I found Dad, Pops, and Aunt Natasha all on the couch. Dad was curled up in Pops' lap with his face buried in his neck, Aunt Natasha rubbing his back gently. God what have I done? Aunt Natasha looked up as I approached, nodded at me, and promptly excused herself. Dad and Pops both looked up at me. Pops looked at me hard. Not angry, but not content either. Dad locked eyes with me and said eyes were puffy and worn out from crying. A pang of guilt stabbed me right through the chest as I took a deep breath.
"I am so sorry, dad. I don't know why I said that. I really don't! You've always been my dad and you always will be my dad! I love you so much! The both of you! I know you're just trying to keep me safe because you love me and I'm so sorry!" I nearly cried as threw myself onto my fathers and hid in Dad's chest. I felt two pairs of familiar arms wrap around me and they held me tight as I cried myself dry.
"You know. I think I was too hard Pete. I know you'll be fine because me, your Pops, and a bunch of other kick-ass superheroes raised you. Just. Let's start small okay? A sort of friendly neighborhood type deal. Okay kiddo? Oh and that broken window in your room? It's coming out of your allowance." And honestly? I'm completely fine with that.

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