Uncle Clint

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These are basically gonna be little dabbles inside here from time to time. It's like a little aunts and uncles side series thing.

          The first time Clint was ever left with Peter, which in Tony's book was and still is a mistake, was when Peter was about 6 months old. With a new born baby in their lives, it wasn't often they got a date night. Hell, they barely even got enough alone time! So when Steve told Tony he was taking him out for dinner, Tony automatically assumed that Steve being the responsible parent he is, enlisted the usual Natasha to look after Peter for the night. Only to find out later that Natasha was gone. Okay, well then Sam (Natasha's understudy as Tony liked to call him in this situation) must be watching after the kid. Turns out he's gone too. Well shit now he was concerned. He entered their shared room in the compound where Steve was fumbling with a tie. Tony stood in front of him and shooed his hands away as he began to expertly fasten the tie.
"So." He started as he tightened the silk garment around Steve's neck "Who exactly is watching Pete? Because Natasha and Sam are both gone."
"Oh, yeah. Everyone's oddly busy tonight. The only person I could really find free was Clint." He responded so nonchalantly. As if nothing was wrong with that.
"Uhm. I'm sorry. Did you just say Clint?"
"Yeah? Is something wrong with that?"
"Yes! Yes Steve! You just entrusted our child's life to Clint fucking Barton! Out of literally all of the Avengers, you pick Clint?!"
"Well it was either him or Bucky, but Bucky's with his rehab therapist tonight. That probably didn't make it any better. Look, Tones. It'll be fine. I trust him. He's got three kids of his own that he's very good with. And we've both seen how he is with Pete. They adore each other, Clint is definitely Pete's favorite uncle rivaling Rhodey and Thor."
"Yeah, but-"
"No buts Tony. We have a reservation and I have a nice evening planned ahead of us. Between Peter, the Avengers, and Stark Industries, you're very overworked. You need a break. We both do."

          And after an amazing date, Tony and Steve came home to find the compound and everything in it in shockingly one piece. Of course Tony did a thorough investigation to make sure of that. And he was...well shocked would be an insane understatement. And from then on Clint was a very popular babysitter of Peter's. (Much to Tony's initial dismay.)

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