Chapter 5

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Peter's POV

I shouldn't be here.

I'm scared.

I'm at S.H.I.E.L.D.

They're keeping me here for the night. It's because I can climb walls now. I don't want to climb walls, though.

I just want my mommy and daddy back. But their not coming back. I saw them get crushed right before they pushed me through the exit.

The man with the eye patch told me I may never get adopted. He told me that when they first found out I had powers.

I'm dangerous. I want to be with my dead parents. I curled up under the covers in the cold bed.

I don't sleep much anymore. I have bad dreams and I cry after. I looked around the small dark room. Nothing is in this room other than the bed. No windows.

I didn't realize it was morning until the man with the eye patch came in the room. I squinted at the bright light coming into the room. "Oh, you're up. I have someone that wants to meet you," he said.

"Who?" I asked. No one wants me. He smiled slightly and said, "Avengers."

Avengers? Like the superheroes? Why would they want to see me? "Are you up for it?" the man with the eye patch asked. I nodded and he led me out of the small room.

We walked down a few hallways before we walked into a big meeting room with a long table in the middle.

I looked around and saw two men sitting in the back of the room. I walked closer to them. One man with blonde hair and muscles was leaning with his head down on the table.

The man with brown hair and a glowing blue light in his chest was next to him, looking out the opposite window. And they were...holding hands?

They didn't see me coming until the man with eye patch made a noise with his throat. I think I'll just call him Eye Patch guy. They jumped up as Eye Patch said, "Avengers, Meet Peter Parker."

They smiled down at me and got on their knees to be my height. "Peter, meet Steve Rogers and Tony Stark," Eye Patch said.

I waved and the brown haired guy asked, "Do you know who we are?" I nodded. "Avengers?" I knew they were superheroes. Kids at the orphanage talk about them all time. I didn't know their names though.

"I'm Captain America and-" the brown hair guy cut off the muscular man. "-and I'm Iron Man." He looked proud.

I laughed when Captain America rolled his eyes. "Why were you holding his hand?" I asked him. I wasn't trying to be mean. I've seen my parents hold hands before. But never two guys.

They froze and looked at each other. Iron man shrugged at Captain America and said, "we're married kid."

"But you're both boys," I said confused. "That doesn't matter, Peter," Captain America told me softly,"it just matters that we love each other."

I thought about how it made sense. It's ..different but I didn't care. Then I remembered.."Why did you come to see me?" Iron Man moved back and forth and made a funny face.

I was happy that they wanted to see me because I'm not special. Well I have powers but I don't want them. Captain America took my hands in his big one.

"We want to adopt you Peter."

My mouth dropped open. I looked up at Iron Man and he was smiling and nodding.

"Y-You want to adopt me?" I questioned. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I didn't think anyone wanted me.

"Absolutely," the iron man said.

I looked up at Eye Patch. "Can they adopt me? Because I have powers." I asked quietly.

Eye Patch nodded and smiled, "If you want them to."

I sat down on the ground and closed my eyes. Is this real? I want new parents. Superhero parents would be awesome. And they can help me with my powers, too.

"Peter? Are you okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up as Patchy asked, "what do you want to do Peter?"

I stood up and faced Captain America. "Can I...hang out with you guys for the day, first?"

They all smiled and Iron Man said, "Look at you being all grown." I smiled as he rubbed my head.

I laughed and said, "So where to?"

The Avengers looked at each other before Iron Man spoke up. "I'm thinking..the park? Diner? And then swing by the tower? I'll give you the whole tour." He smiled. I smiled back and nodded with excitement.

"Let's head out then," the captain said. I waved bye to Patchy and followed after them to leave.

I couldn't wait to go somewhere other than S.H.I.E.L.D. , school, or the orphanage.


Heyy! How do you like it?

I liked doing Peter's POV

Please comment if you like it so I can keep uploading.

Thoughts on Peter?

I'll try to twitch up the POVs

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Don't forget I have a instagram fanpage for Marvel!


Thaanks & byeee!

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