Chapter 7

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I went in and thanked Meg again for watching Flynn for me and went in and checked on him. He was dead asleep already and looked so peaceful.

I always wanted him to be happy and peaceful like he is now. And maybe it wouldn't be the end of the world if he learns how to defend himself a little. I knew this was a good idea now.

The next morning I made breakfast for him and told him that we were going to Masons Gym and he was so excited.

He spent the whole morning getting ready and running around the house with a big smile on his face.

Once we were both ready and it was time we took the bus into town.

"Wow this is the part of town we don't go in much." Flynn pointed out as he looked out the window of the bus.

"Yeah only for Christmas." I remember last Christmas we came here to see the big tree lighting and all. It was actually a lot of fun and Meg has tickets for a show that we went to see later that day.

"Look there it is!" He pointed out at the gym that mason had put down on the paper for me.

We rushed to get off the bus. And by we I mean Flynn grabbed my arm and pulled me off and onto the side of the street.

"Alright Flynn." I laughed as he pulled me to the window. In the gym there was a group of kids practicing together in a group. They were all around Flynn's age so that helps me feel a little better as well.

"Come on!" Flynn took my hand again and took me in through the doors this time only stopping to look around.

I did the same and my eyes went to the red head who was helping the class. He looked up away from one of the kids to me and he smiled.

He said something to the little boy before making his way over to me.

"Darcy! Flynn!" Glad to see you two."

"As well as sorry I'm afraid I only know Masons name."

"Oh it's fine. I'm Bill And over there is Corbin." He pointed over at brown eyes who was helping a guy out at a punching bag.

"Great I'll try to remember that for next time." I laughed.

"Well Masons just in his office. I'll let him know you're here so that you guys can talk."

"Great thanks." Me and Flynn made our way over to the side and watched the kids work with a man who held up a bag for them to Kick or punch.

"Wow." Flynn said but before I could even look at what he was looking at Mason started to make his way towards us. My body grew taller when I saw him. Don't understand why it did that but it did.

"Hey guys." He smiled his usual smile stopping in front of us.

"Mason is that you!" Now me and Mason looked to what Flynn was looking at.

There on the wall is a photo of Mason and another man in a ring facing each other. They both looked like the one wanted to hurt the other.

My mouth hung open as I looked all around at the gym to see there were some other photos and even a few MMA belts hung around the place.

My mind went back to our last conversation and how I said I didn't like fighting. Now I felt even more worse. Yeah this guy totally didn't like me now. I basically just said I hate what he does for a living.

"Yes it is. That was a few years ago actually."

"Did you win?"

"No I actually lost to him. But That only pushed me to get better."

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