Chapter 15

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Warning ⚠️ I'm going to say 16 and up but
Idk anymore 😂

I woke to the sound of light snoring close to my ear.

My eyes opened and I saw Mason again on top of me making it very hard for me to breath again.

His arms were wrapped around me like someone would have taken me from him in the night.

"Mason." I cooed pushing his hair back out of his face.

His eyes remanded closed and his breathing slow. I was losing air supply fast.

I wiggled my hands under his arms and started tickling his sides.

His body jumped up fast landing in a pile on the floor next to me with the sheets.

I couldn't control my laughter seeing him lie there with the shocked look on his face.

"Oh my god." I laughed sitting up on my knees to look down at him.

"Oh you think that's funny??"

I nodded my head as I wiped the tears that had fallen from my laughing.

"How would you like it?"

And my smile left my face. I got up fast taking off out of the room with him following close behind me.

"get back here!"

"NO!" I laughed running around his living room with him.


I went down the long hallway back to his room and thought I was going to get away with it by closing the door on him. He grabbed be before I could even get to the door.

Mason threw my body across the room to the bed. I fell to in in a mess pushing my hair out of my face. I watched as he climbed on top of me and started to tickle me.

"MASON!" I cried trying my best to get away from him.

"Not so funny now is it?" He laughed continuing to torture me.

"Please s-stop!"

"I don't know." He smiled enjoying my pain.

He lifted the shirt up to the top of my stomach so he had more room.

I grabbed a hold of his wrist and tried to stop him.

I didn't have a bra on under this and he seemed to notice that.

He stopped tickling me and looked down at me.

He ran his fingers over the lace on my underwear and it sent chills up my body.

His other hand ran under my boobs making me let a shaky shy out of my lips.

"You really haven't been touched before." He said looking me in the eyes.

I nodded my head feeling upset that it was true. All my friends in high school had done many things with there boy friends but here I was still a virgin. Sometimes I hated it but there was nothing I wanted to do about it.

His fingers pulled on my underwear pulling it off my body. I shivered when I felt his fingers go lower.

"If you want me to stop just tell me."

I felt them circle and I lifted my body off the bed a little.

"Don't." I let out lowly.

He continued to work his fingers down there. He pulled my shirt off my body and his mouth went to work on my chest.

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