Chapter 12

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For the next few day I spent it trying to find a job. I had put in many applications into restaurants and some even at clothing stores. Today was my last time going around town looking for a job.

I had left Flynn with Meg at work and I knew he would like that.

"I am so tied." I sighed sitting down in front of Meg. She had a water already there for me.

"Look Darcy I made some money!" Flynn said holding up a 20.

My eyes went right back to Meg.

"My boss asked him if he wanted to help carry things from a truck that came in with a bunch of food and all. Gave him 20 bucks for helping."

"Well isn't that nice of him."

"Yeah can I use it to buy us dinner!" I smiled down at him

"No you keep that bud."

He nodded his head and stuffed it back into his pocket.

I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down at it to see Mason had texted me.  I must have smiled because Meg cleared her throat.

I looked back to her and she started chuckling.

"Go I'll watch this little guy for a little longer."

"What? No I'm good." She gave me the look that a mother usually gives to her kid when they know your lying. Damn she's going to be a good mom.

"I'll be fast." I rushed to the door and thanked her as I ran out to catch the fist bus to his apartment.

Once I got there I went right up to the top floor letting myself in.

Music was blasting through the whole apartment. I walked through looking for where Mason might be.

I ended up following the music to where it was the loudest. It took me to a gym that was in the back where Mason was working out on a bag. He was jumping around and throwing punches at it.

Not going to lie I had a great view of his back muscles every time they hit the bag. It was starting to get hot for me. But I had to keep my composure.

He still hadn't seen me and I got a good idea.

Grabbing the gloves that were on my side I slid them on after putting my things down. The music was so loud that he didn't even hear me sneak up on him.

I lightly punched his back making him jump. I held my hands up at my face and jumped around him with a smirk on my face.

"You scared me." He chuckled taking me in looking at me up and down. That sent shivers down my spine.

"What are you doing with those." He laughed trying to grab my hand but I used my other to hit him in the gut. It didn't hurt him but damn did my hand hurt.

"Come on...I leaned a little to." I chuckled jumping around him still.

"Oh really?"

"Yes!" I quickly ran at him and he picked me up fast and I let out a squeal. He pushed me down to the ground getting on top of me to pin my hands down above my head.

Not how I saw this going...

"Now what are you going to do?" He smirked looking down on me.

But little did he know I knew how to get out of this.

I somehow got enough strength to push him to his side and this time I got on top of him pushing his hands down to the side of his head.

"Ha." I mocked looking down at him not trapped between my legs.

A Fighters Heart Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang