Chapter 33

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I was pasting back and forth as I waited for the girls to come back

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I was pasting back and forth as I waited for the girls to come back. I was beyond scared and could really use a bottle of wine.

"Look at mama" Flynn said coming into the room holding my baby girl Alison in his hands.

"Aww don't you two just look so cute." I went to reach for my phone to take a photo but I remembered Sky took it away because I kept trying to call Mason.

"Alright Mr. Dreamy is out there waiting for you and the girls are all lined up waiting for the flower baby." Meg said coming back to get my daughter.

"Wait." I grabbed Alison and kissed her little nose making her giggle putting a smile to my face.

"Alright baby girl you got this." I handed her off to her Aunt Meg and watched as they went out first.

"You ready?" Flynn asked fixing his tie. I grabbed my flowers and took his hand.

Once we got to the doors I could feel my body shaking. I was petrified.

"Remember how you always tell me that mom and dad are always watching?" Flynn asked looking up to me.


"I know their watching now and they are super proud of you. I'm proud of you Darcy. Thank you for being the best big sister a boy could ask for." I felt tears at the brim of my eyes as I fell to give him a hug.

"I love you." I squeezed him a little and pulled back fixing his hair.

"And I love you too little man."

He stood a little taller putting his arm out to me and I took it.

"Now let's go get you married." The doors opened and I could feel this wave of anxiety go over me.

I forced my feet to move as Flynn started going off ahead of me.

I looked all around at the people who's eyes were on me. The first person that stood out to me was the tall bald guy first. I was told his name was King and the guy next to him was Gomez. They were both good friends of Noah and Juliets. Then there was Juliet's brother Kevin who was always very kind to me when ever we saw him at family gatherings. Matt Juliets best friend was right next to him as well. I grew to get to know these people fondly. They were all a big happy family in a way. Even if they weren't blood they were close like it.

Then my eyes went to Mason who was looking at me with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. The man I loved was right there crying for me. Now if I wasn't about to break down as well I would say this is every girls dream. But seeing him so happy only made me want to cry happy tears.

Once I got close to him he took my hand and helped me up. Flynn went off and grabbed Alison and sat next to Juliet and Noah.

"You look beautiful." Mason whispered to me as the priest started taking.

"You don't look so bad yourself." He cracked a smile and I felt his hand brush mine. I held mine closer to his and he took it in his.

As soon as the priest said you may now kiss the bride Masons lips were on mine.

We ran down the aisle together once we did that and got into a car that took us over to the next stop on our list.

"Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Hayes!!!!" The DJ called as me and Mason danced into the big dining room that we got for our venue.

Once we finished I ran off to get Alison because I haven't held my baby all day and I wanted to.

The party went on and we all had fun together laughing and dancing. At one point I needed my rest and I watched Mason dance with our daughter who had a huge smile on her face as she looked at her father.

It got me thinking about how much I loved them and loved Flynn. It made me miss having a baby baby.

"Come on!" Flynn grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor.

"How would you feel about having another?" I whispered to Mason as we all danced together.

He pulled back fast with a shocked look on his face but I could see the amusement on it as well.

"Well Mrs. Hayes, as of tomorrow we will be on a nice beach on our own private little island...I think baby making is a go."

I smiled kissing him on the lips taking Alison from his hands.

"And you little one!" Mason said picking up Flynn as he laughed.

"Will be going to Disney with my parents and your my sisters and your niece."

"Heck yes!" Flynn laughed as Mason danced around with him.

"But not to much sugar."

"Oh man."

I laughed pulling my boys closer to me and dancing with my family.

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