Chapter 1

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"In our fathers name we pray, amen" I whispered along with the large group of people. I got up from off my knees and sat back down in the thousand year old pews next to my mother. She eyed me for a minute, her green eyes narrowing on me, before her attention turned back towards the priest.

"We are thankful to our Heavenly Father for protecting us everyday. He blessed us with a safe and secure city, away from those ravishing beasts; the work of the devil!" His voice became louder and deeper, booming through the cathedral as chills ran down my spine.

I had heard countless stories about the devil's creatures that roam around the walls of our city. I had never saw one for myself, but there's always gossip floating around that someone's brother's cousin's wife saw one and the tales only grew from there.

They were characterized by their sharp fangs and blood thirsty souls. On command they could turn into a wolf, a beast capable of ripping every limb off your body. I was taught that the devil sent them here to pray on young girls and take them to their home where they stole their soul and were held captive until the beast got bored of them. I shuttered at the thought and sent a quick prayer to god, asking him to watch over all of the souls that were lost.

"We have to remind ourselves why those walls are built. They keep us inside, but most importantly, them out." His eyes were blazing as he scanned the crowd. He briefly made eye contact with me and I could feel his hatred for the creatures shine through his gaze.

"Never forget the beautiful souls that were lost because of those beasts! God rest their souls."

A large wail came from the left side of the church and my heart mourned as I realized it was Mrs. Jameson. Her daughter Mariah went missing last week and although no one has confirmed anything, we all know the beasts took her.

They say Mariah willingly went outside of the walls, that it was her own fault she got captured. They degraded her like she wasn't someone's child and instead was a dumb and weak little girl that was easily influenced by the devil. They claimed she wasn't holy enough.

"Now for all the young girls who are unwed, there will be a bonding ceremony this Wednesday. There you will find your future husband." The priest smiled wide and my heart dropped to my stomach. I completely forgot about the bonding ceremony.

It was a ritual in our city for all girls and boys that turned 18 to attend the bonding ceremony. There you would find your future spouse and would be forced to marry them. The woman never got any choice about who their husband would be. It was always the men that chose.

My friend Amelia who attended it last year said the men choose from the women like they were fresh cut meat. She was lucky enough to be picked by her best friend Max who she had known for almost her whole life. She was already expecting her first child with him.

I turned 18 tomorrow and I was dreading it. I wasn't ready to be married, let alone be chosen by some man who would only want me for my looks.

My mother nudged me with her shoulder and gave me a small smile. She had been planning this since the day I was born. My parents were close friends with our neighbors down the street. They had a young boy named Travis who had just turned 18. He wasn't my type but according to my mother he is. I decided to go along with it to appease her, it was better to be wed to him than some stranger.

"Now one last time we pray in gods name and ask him to guide home the lost, we ask him to bless us with protection from those horrid monsters. In our fathers name we ask him to guide our young children and lead them to love. Amen."

Once again there was a chorus of amens and we all stood up to exit the church.

"Adalyn, we have to walk into town soon to go buy you a dress for tomorrow." My mom smiled and grabbed on to my arm leading me towards our car as my father followed behind us, "maybe we can go tonight?"

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