Author's Note 1

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Hey, it's me, AcePancakeDetective here. I just wanted to once again thank you guys for reading. Also, I wanted to say that any compliments or constructive criticisms will be appreciated, so make sure to comment.

I wanted to bring attention to the fact that there are now over twenty reads on this. I never thought I would get ten, so thank you guys so much!

 Anyways, that aside, I recently had an idea to make a Persona 5 fic which crossed the game over with some Danganronpa characters. I love the characters from Persona 5 with a passion and I can say the same for most of the characters in Danganronpa, so this idea was a no-brainer for me. Some of these characters would include Kaede and Shuichi (My two favorite DR characters), Kokichi, K1-B0 (or Kiibo) Maki, Kaito, Hajime, Nagito, Chiaki, Makoto, Byakuya, a few others, and of course Monokuma, the Monokubs, Tsumugi and Junko. Some of these will be new thieves, some will be confidants, and you can guess which ones will be villains. If you guys want this, let me know! It will still contain some Saimatsu, but it wouldn't be the main focus of the story. Also, don't worry. If I carry this out, it would be more of a side project. This story is my main project right now, and it will be until its completion. 

If you think that this is a good idea, let me know in the comments!

I may already have a good plan for Shuichi as a Phantom Thief...

If Anyways, I will be uploading a new part later today. See you then!

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