With You (Chapter 7.)

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Finally, with all of the edge out of the way, we can finally get into the fluff! I feel like Ryoma's last moments and his despair speech were just what was needed to get the last of the edge out for now. For a while, don't expect any class trials or killings or anything like that.

Once again, thank you guys so much for reading!


Kaede's POV:

We stand there in the sunset, in each other's embrace, as we exchanged love over and over again. After what felt like eternity, we break away.

Shuichi: "Kaede... 



I l-love you."

Me: "S-Shuichi... I l-love you too. I have for a while, now..."

Shuichi: "What? But before I was..."

Me: "Unsure of yourself to the point where you tried to distance yourself from everyone else? Yeah, you were. But Shuichi, it's okay that you're shy. You're more than just an introvert. You're the greatest introvert the world has ever known. And even though you may not be very social, you're the most caring and smart person I've ever met, and as embarrassing as this sounds, you're actually pretty cute..."

We both flush red at that last part.

Shuichi: "What? No, that's not..."

Me: "No Shuichi, you are amazing. Don't ever say otherwise. If you won't have more confidence in yourself, then I'll give you the confidence you need. I'll be here for you, Shuichi. I'll make sure that you feel needed. I'll make sure that you feel wanted.

I'll make sure that you feel loved..."

I start to cry a bit.

I pull him into another kiss. He's so amazing in every way, so why is he so unsure of himself? He's so kind, smart and polite. It drives me wild just thinking about him. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

Shuichi: "Kaede, I'll be more confident in myself... as long as YOU start being more confident in yourself."

Me: "What?"

Shuichi: "Kaede, when you were knocked out, you said that you weren't good enough in your sleep. You are good enough! You're the sweetest, kindest, most understanding person on the planet. You were smart enough to come up with a plan to knock out the Mastermind, which required stealth, physics, and mechanics to work. Plus, you're so talented. I've only ever heard you play your piano once, but it was so beautiful that it brought me to tears! You're beautiful on the outside and the inside! If either of us needs more love, it's you."

Me: "Then... will you love for me?"

Shuichi starts to tear up.

Shuichi: "I... I will."

He pulls me into another kiss as we both let our tears flow. I'm so happy... I found someone who may not be perfect...

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