Hiding Among Us (Chapter 21.)

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Kaede's POV:

I wake up to birds singing outside of my window. My head still kind of hurts and my mind is kind of foggy after everything that happened yesterday.

I hear a knock at my door. I fix my hair and open up to see...

Kokichi: "Moooorning, sleepyhead!"

He's already dressed and ready for the day, and the announcements haven't even come on yet.

Me: "What's up, Kokichi? I'm surprised you're not with Himiko."

Kokichi: "Yeah, well I had to come and tell you something! I'm inviting everyone to a meeting in the Library after breakfast. I think I have an idea of how to shorten the list of people who may be the Mastermind!"

Me: "Wait, seriously? That's great, Kokichi! I'll definitely be there! I'll let Shuichi know for you if you haven't already told him."

Kokichi: "I haven't, so thank you! It would be a big help! Well, catch ya' later! Nee-heehee!"

He runs off to go let the others know. When I'm ready for the day, I walk outside to see Shuichi leaving his dorm.

Shuichi: "Oh, good morning, Kaede! You're up early."

Me: "Kokichi woke me up."

Shuichi: "Seriously? That little..."

Me: "No! No, he was telling me something important! He invited everyone to a meeting in the library after breakfast. He says that he has a way of shortening the list of people who might be the Mastermind based on recent events!"

Shuichi: "Really? That's amazing!"

Me: "I know, right? Let's eat fast so that we can get to the Library soon!"

We quickly eat our breakfast and we rush down to the Library. Almost everyone is already there, waiting impatiently. The only person who isn't here is Kirumi, who is probably busy cleaning up for us. When she finally arrives, Kokichi gets up and walks to the middle of the room.

Kokichi: "I'd like to thank everyone for coming here today. First, I would like to say that no, this is not a prank. I'm quite certain that after everything that happened yesterday, everyone is quite tired. I've heard from Himiko that her head hurts and sometimes she has trouble thinking, and I would be surprised if everyone else that Korekiyo got to isn't showing the same symptoms. However, it appears to me that yesterday's events are, in fact, a blessing in disguise."

Tenko: "You mean to tell me that our suffering was GOOD?"

Kokichi: "No. It's terrible that you had to suffer, but your suffering was not in vain. Yesterday's events can actually help us narrow down the list of possible suspects for the Mastermind who is hiding among us!"

Angie: "Hmm, and how is that?"

Kokichi: "The key to this is Monokuma of all things."

Me: "How does that bear tie into this?"

Kokichi: "Monokuma is controlled by the Mastermind, right?"

Shuichi: "Wait, are you saying...?"

Kokichi: "Nee-heehee! It seems that our resident Ace Detective has figured it out! Care to explain?"

Shuichi: "Kokichi, you're a genius! Alright, Monokuma is controlled by the Mastermind. Yesterday, when Korekiyo had taken control of Kaede, Himiko, Angie, Tenko and Kirumi, Monokuma acted exactly the same as usual! If the Mastermind who controls him was under Korekiyo's control, then wouldn't Monokuma act the same way as the girls who had been brainwashed?"

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