Before I Knew You (Chapter 10.)

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I am very aware that the person in the thumbnail of the video looks like Shuichi, but just know it's not. It's Minato Arisato/ Makoto Yuki/ Sakuya Shiomi (The protagonist with three canon names) from Persona 3. They look extremely similar, huh? I thought that was interesting...

Anyways, I got lucky and I managed to get my paper done early. Now I can get back to work on this story!

One more thing, I forgot to mention that the scene when Kaede gives Shuichi confidence before Rantaro's body is discovered is a bit different. In the scene, Shuichi's afraid of exposing the truth, and lets Kaede know this. Kaede gives him confidence, and that's when Shuichi tries to tell Kaede about why he wears his hat. Just before he can, the body discovery announcement comes on.

Thanks to @Random-Kinner for pointing that out for me.

As usual, thanks for reading, and I'll tell you when to play the music.


Kaede's POV:





Shuichi instantly shoots up. He looks down and blushes when he saw that I'm still clinging to his chest.


Shuichi groans as he flops back down. He doesn't want to get up.

Neither do I. I just want to stay here with my face buried in my Guardian Angel's chest for as long as I can.

Can you really blame me?

I start to cling tighter to him, and he gives me a light kiss on the forehead. Then I remember last night...

I'll ask him about it after breakfast.

Shuichi: "Kaede, we gotta get up, unless you want Miu to..."

Well, he may not want to get up but he knows that we need to...

Not that I'm letting him go...

Me: "Mouuuuu, I don't wannaaaa... I just wanna stay here with youuuuuu..."

Shuichi: "You know how adorable you are, right?"

Me: "Keehee..."

Shuichi giggles back.

Shuichi: "Who are you, Ouma?"

Me: "You wouldn't be upset sleeping with him."

He laughs at that.

Shuichi: "Yes, yes I would be upset, actually."

Me: "Maybe that's a good thing... he would probably torture you through the night."

Shuichi: "That's mostly accurate, except for one thing. He wouldn't PROBABLY torture me... he would DEFINITELY torture me."

We both laugh at the remark. Shuichi starts to get up, but I pin him back down.

Guardian Angels (Saimatsu)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora