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Eloise Nicole

It was noon, I was in my apartment standing in front of the mirror staring at the reflection of my face. Leaning forward I stroked the skin of the side of my mouth. I intentionally scrunched my face to see what I look like.

"Do I really look grumpy and crabby? Am I really turning into an old woman?" I mumbled to myself.

"Ugh! What has he done to my mind? Why am I thinking about him? And most importantly why do I care about what he says?" I stomped my feet in irritation. I was really going mad over thinking about my poker face.

It's not that I want to keep it that way but I meet many types of people, I have to give them the same look to make them believe I'm off-limits. I'm fed up with men trailing behind me who just want to have me in their bed.

Daniel too is no different, he's using his persuasive powers to come closer to me.

"El, what's taking you so long in the bathroom?" Trish's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. She was waiting for me in my room. Luckily, I stile two free hours from my schedule, so I decided to take a rest for those two hours. I was sleep-deprived and worn-out so Trish offered me a head massage. I love her so much!

Coming out of the bathroom I spoke "Nothing... I was just thinking about..."

"Daniel?" She cut me off excitedly.


"Oh, come on. He's so handsome and cute. How can you resist him?" 

"Who is handsome and cute?" Evan asked entering my room.

I smirked looking at Trish "Oh, she was talking about.."

"You." She shouted. "Obviously, I was talking about you." Trish ran up to Evan and hugged his torso.

"Handsome, I know... but cute? Cute is for girls, babe. You are cute and I'm handsome." Evan said kissing her hair.

"Men can be cute too," I remarked. "What's that in your hand," I asked Evan.

"Oh, it's a parcel for you from XDS."

"Open it then," I said getting on the bed to lie down.

"It's the magazine with you on the cover page and an envelope," Evan said.

"Check what's there in the envelope," I mumbled closing my eyes.

"Oh, it's a handwritten note... from...Daniel Adams."

My eyes shot open. "Daniel? Show me."

Laying on my front and balancing myself on my forearms I began to read it.

Hello Eloi

First thing first, Don't make faces while reading this. You'll look grumpy.  ;-)

Scoffing, I continued reading.

I'm sending you the first copy of the magazine. Though the release of the magazine is tomorrow; I thought you would like to have the first copy of it. Don't get confused about why I sent you a handwritten letter when I could have called you. Oh, and yes, I have your number. Let's say, I have sources? But I thought, why don't I do something different? So yeah, that's why I wrote this.

I really like your work. It's commendable. I couldn't take my eyes off you when I saw you in the magazine. Though I saw you live, posing for the same, still, looking at you in the cover photo just blew my mind away. Your work proved to me why everyone wants to work with you.
Umm... I think that's all for now. See you soon.

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