𝑰𝑰𝑰 - 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔

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CECILIA WAS NERVOUS to say the least

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CECILIA WAS NERVOUS to say the least. Standing infront of the school waiting for the bell to ring to dismiss the students, she was breathing heavily. She approached a girl quickly, seeing as she was one of the first to leave school.

„Hey uh, I'm looking for Bella Swan." She told her, adjusting her bag over her shoulder. The girl nodded, smiling. She was a beautiful Asian looking girl, with glasses sitting ontop of her beautiful shaped nose. She pointed to a girl standing infront of a red truck, seemingly as used as her Jeep was. Cecilia only smiled at the girl before she made her way over to the brunette.

When the girl approached Bella with a smile, the girl turned towards her, awkwardly waving.

„Are you Bella?" Cecilia Said quietly, not wanting to draw attention to herself. Said girl nodded — confused as she wasn't the most popular girl in town.

„I need your help, uh I'm a friend of Jacobs. He's..."

„Changed. I know he — he doesn't talk to me anymore." Bella spoke, seemingly known to the issue Cecilia had. Cecilia sighed, nodding.

„Do you know what happened?" Cecilia whimpered defeated, she hoped to find answers in the Swan girl but obviously she was in the same position.

„He's my best friend." Cecilia added, head hanging low.

Bella put a hand onto the girls arm, understanding her place.

„I can't lose him." Bella spoke, Cecilia noticed the tears in her eyes as she looked up again and she promised herself and Bella that she will find out what happened — she had to.

THE NEXT DAY wasn't any different. After getting Bella's number and driving back home, Cecilia had talked to Cherry for hours, the girl trying to cheer her best friend up.

But being at school now seeing Jacob, it hurt more after knowing he did it to not only her but to Bella as well.

The girl watched as Jacob and Paul stood up, walking out of the cafeteria and she quickly followed them, leaving a few meters of space between them.

She followed them for two minutes through the empty hallways, her voice stopping their walking the moment they wanted to push through the doors to leave the school.

„Jacob." she begged, her voice was horse from crying the night before, her eyes red and the girl stood there like a lost dog.

„What- What did I do? Please tell me, I can fix it!" Cecilia cried. Jacob slowly turned around, looking like he was being ripped apart internally. Paul stood behind him, watching the scene intensely, ready to interrupt in case Jacob was to turn.

„Just fucking leave me alone, Ce. Go back to Jaden and Cherry." He spat , teeth grinding again each other and turning to leave again but the girl was quick to run towards him, grabbing his wrist.

Now being chest again chest, Jacob could truly see what he was putting her through, but he knew he couldn't tell her.

„I don't understand what this is about, Jake." she sobbed, tear after tear leaving her eye. He flinched at her small voice, face leaving hers once again and then he left her, again.

„This is your fault! What did you do to him?" She cried out, finger pointing at the taller boy whom just rolled his eyes.

Paul felt just a tad bad for the girl before but now he was just getting annoyed by her need to blame him, tho he understand where she came from.

After letting out a low groan, he lowered his gaze towards her. She looked devastated, like a lost girl from some drama movie his mother always watched. He was about to send her away, maybe even scare her so she would leave quicker but when he looked into her eyes it was as if he forgot what situation they were in, just wanting to take her pain away — but Jacob grabbed his arm and tried to drag him away, Paul obviously starting to shake.

But the taller boy ripped his arm out his grasp, running through the doors and into the nearby woods, Jacob following him quickly after, leaving Cecilia completely lost and alone.

ARIVING HOME the girl quickly tried to call Cherry, who much to her dismay didn't pick up her phone — so she called Isabella Swan.

They had talked for around an hour, Cecilia telling her what happened and Bella listened, the girl shutting her mouth and just letting Cecilia ramble. It was refreshing since Cherry wasn't one to listen to problems and Jacob wasn't there when she needed him now.

After hanging up tho, the girl instantly knew that she did not want to stay like this for another hour, so she quickly took a shower, got dressed and went to sleep, not even telling her parents that she was since she knew they would be worried and tell her to eat first, but she was not in the mood.

The girl fell asleep quickly and it felt like she was waking up again as fast as she went to sleep. She groaned as she heard her alarm going off, rubbing her eyes she saw stars and when she swung her legs off her bed, her head felt dizzy.

She quickly got dressed a pair of jeans and tanktop along with a cardigan being her choice. The girl liked covering everything boys could turn on, not showing cleavage and wearing something long that went over her butt. Cecilia was a pretty girl — one that did not like the unnecessary attention of hormonal teenage boys.

She was lucky with her hair that day, the conditioner the night before working wonders as she let it out in soft waves. She smiled lightly to her reflection, happy that she looked decent for once — her bare face glowing. The last thing she did was putting on her shoes, taking her back and keys and rushing down the stairs. The girl sat down onto the table, smiling at her little brother, ruffling his hair and then greeting her parents.

The girl was not ready for what was yet to come.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, (paul lahote) ✓Where stories live. Discover now