𝑿𝑰𝑰 - 𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒉

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THE GIRL WAS shaking on the back of her shapeshifter, a big smile creeping onto her lips as she forgot everything that was happening, her eyes wandering over the colors of green she saw, the passing trees blurring out due to the speed of Paul's ru...

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THE GIRL WAS shaking on the back of her shapeshifter, a big smile creeping onto her lips as she forgot everything that was happening, her eyes wandering over the colors of green she saw, the passing trees blurring out due to the speed of Paul's running. Her taste of smell was filled with pure nature, the feeling of Paul's fur against her gripping hands was delighting, the girl context with being pressed against the wolf she started to love — one that already loved her the second Jacob and him were trying to get rid of her, the girl that was frozen with shock when he saw his change — one that stayed with him even tho she was scarred.

Paul however, even tho he would have loved to enjoy the feeling of the girl on his back, was concentrated with filtering voices out of the thoughts he was hearing.

She wants Cecilia? Seth had asked shocked, the shapeshifter newly joined the pack after his father had died, just days before Paul had imprinted and — little did he know — the boy would be imprinting very soon too.

Seth Clearwater was one of the wolves Cecilia had not met yet, tho from what she heard he was one of the sweetest people in la push, the boy always helping around his neighborhood and greeting everyone. He was a ray of sunshine and sometimes people that knew the both of Cecilia and Seth, even compared them; Cecilia the quite sunshine and Seth the active one.

What the hell happened? Sam had barked donkey after, voice full of anger even in only his thoughts.

Paul had brung Cecilia to a place that had the shape of a cliff, tho in the middle of a field that was beautifully filled with flowers, a few butterflies even swirling around there. It was beautiful, you could sit on the cliff like rock and let your feet dangle from there, have a picnic with your children and husband and forget all the worries in the world. That's how Cecilia had imagined the rock in its prettiest and Cecilia found herself imagining Paul with her, not a faceless man like she always did when thinking about her future. It was Paul in her mind and even tho it scarred Cecilia how much the man was in her mind, she found herself enjoying her thoughts more than usual.

Cecilia had climbed off Paul's back, the wolf disappearing in the woods again and coming back as a human dressed in only sweatpants. Soon after around half a dozen of boys came rushing out of there as well, all of them with a worried expression on. One in particular stood out besides Jacob, Quil and Embry. He looked younger than the rest, his body less toned tho his height matched the rest of them and Cecilia realized quickly that it was Seth Clearwater. She sent him a small, shy smile which he returned a little bigger than hers. Paul was discussing heavily with Sam, probably not even noticing Seth coming closer to his imprints side.

„Hey, I'm Seth." the boy spoke happily, his smile turning bigger with every word he had said, Cecilia feeling relaxed the more she stared at Seth and the rest of the pack. She could feel how they were protecting each other, the imprints seemingly apart of the protection. She glanced at the other boys, all engulfed with the heavy conversation Paul and Sam were having, both of them radiating of stress tho Paul's feelings were the worst at the moment they were in. He was feeling like he finally found something good and now some redhead leech is gonna take it away from him again. He did not know how he would survive without Cecilia, the boy physically hurting at the thought of loosing her.

Seth — different than the others — did not only concentrate on keeping her safe, his wolf senses felt how scared and uncomfortable the girl felt in the situation she was in, not quite understanding what was so bad about the incredibly fast girl. Part of her mind knew that she was what the shapeshifter called a cold one, tho the other did not want to accept that fact.

„Hey, I'm Seth Clearwater." the boy smiled, a smile that was becoming bigger with each second that passed. The boy held out his hand, the girl nervously glancing around. Her gaze met the one of Leah, a girl that was just sending her a tight smile, seemingly uncomfortable under Sam's gaze. She watched as Paul was getting threatening close to Sam, the boy slightly hovering over all the other boys, just a bit taller than his own alpha. He was motioning wildly with his hands, sometimes pointing at Cecilia without even noticing she was watching the scene. He knew that Seth was going to talk to her, happy about the boy being there to comfort her and calm her down.

„I'm Cecilia Quinn." she spoke softly, eyes finally focusing on the boy infront of her. She took his hand in hers, only squeezing slightly.

„Finally someone my age is in the pack, I'm getting annoyed by their remarks." the boy beamed, slightly laughing at his own words, his eyes squeezing almost shut due to the size of his smile.

Cecilia furrowed her brows at that, smiling at the boy infront of her.

„Yea I went to school pretty early." the girl explained the age difference between herself and the people her grade, the girl two years younger then the rest of them.

Seth smiled at his newfound friend, already prepared for his next question when their conversation was interrupted by Paul pushing Sam forward.

„I don't give a shit about Bella Swan, we can protect Cecilia without the bloodsuckers help." he growled, Sam quickly finding his stance on the ground again.

„You will stay with her every second of the day, the Cullens will just back up the woods." he spoke unmattered, not even slightly mad at Paul's behavior. He knew how it was to love an imprint, he understood where Paul was coming from.

Next step would be telling Paul that him and Cecilia would have to come and train with the Cullens now.

mentioned seth finding his imprint soon — an ad for my Seth Clearwater fanfic that will be up soon <3

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