chapter one

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beep beep beep.

beep beep beep.


beep beep-

i slapped my phone, hoping that i pressed the turn off button rather than the snooze button. i checked the time. 7:00 am.

what day was it again?

i checked my phone once again, seeing that it was friday. double fuck. that means that i'll have to stay at work late tonight. i groaned audibly, even though no one will be able to hear my distress.

i got out of bed and went to my kitchen, making myself some scrambled eggs with bacon bits and tomatoes. i also made myself some mental notes as i brewed my coffee.

i'll get out of the house at 3:45 for work and do all my school work right after i eat. perfect.

i dished my food onto my plate, made my coffee and went to my table, slowly eating as i replied and liked comments on my new photo on instagram.

but someone's comment caught my eye.

jschlatt: no james charles.

i scoffed lightly. "yeah, duh," i muttered under my breath as i scooped myself another bite of eggs. i checked the replies.

undrscrmason: i wouldn't expect so schlatt

its_jawshyt: no richard nixon though

callmecarsonyt: shut the fuck up josh

what? i didn't understand the humor enough as i wanted to. i knew they were all travis' friends, but i had barely talked to all of them, except carson and maybe josh.

i got off the replies and went to go wash my used dishes. i'll ask travis about it if i remember. i went to my computer and started to work on my online assignments.


at around 11 pm, i was finally finished with my work. i took a quick stretch out of my chair before going to take a brisk shower, the comments still stuck in the back of my head.

i went out and got changed into my black jeans and some random bra and shirt, not yet ready to put on my white, uniformed blouse. i always ended up staining it.

i went to go put on my makeup as i got a notification on my phone. i stopped as i checked it.

jschlatt: @y/t/n hey

isn't this the same guy that called me not james charles? i didn't reply to the tweet and went back to my makeup, but i got another notification.

jschlatt: not very lady-like to keep a man hanging

i laughed a little.

y/t/n: not very gentleman-like to keep on bothering a lady

i went on to finish my makeup, not stopping the third time to check my notifications again.

i obviously didn't find it maddening, it was actually quite charming on how he was tweeting at me and commenting on my stuff, although i didn't completely understand. it would be nice to get closer to travis' friends.

once i finally finished, i checked the reply.

jschlatt: listen here you fucking broad.

i looked at the rest of his profile. it was the same thing, sometimes russian memes, but primarily a lot of cursing and things i found entertaining.

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