chapter four

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i sat crossed legged in my seat and sucked in a breath. you can't wuss out now.

i pressed the call button and almost immediately he answered. "what's poppin' y/n?" he said in his deep voice. it almost sounded deeper than usual, for some reason.

i laughed a little. "hey schlatt," i replied, trying my best to sound more cheery than nervous as hell. fuck, why was i so nervous?

"you mind putting on your video? i want to see if the photos are actually you," he said teasingly. i could hear the smirk in his voice. smug ass bitch. "hey, i'll put mine on first," and so he did.

at first, i didn't know what i was expecting. i never looked deep enough into his account to really remember what he looked like. hell, i thought the clown video on twitter was someone else! but once i saw what he looked, it made sense, and surprisingly he looked really good. his circle glasses looked amazing, and they didn't look good on everyone.

"oh, we're really doing this," i muttered under my breath, really just talking to myself. i put on my camera onto my face and smiled at the camera.

his mouth opened a little bit, from what i was guessing was shock. my face turned a little pink, but i tried my best to hide it. "what, you didn't expect me to actually look like my photos?" i asked, laughing a little to hide my embarrassment.

schlatt coughed and sat more straight. "no, no not really but just..." he sighed and thought for a second. "you're just really pretty."

i laughed a little more. "thanks! i mean, i have a shittier camera on but thank you, schlatt." with that joke he also laughed with me, too. "anyways, what game do you wanna play? or do you just wanna chat?"

"mmm, let's play a game," he said after a little bit of thought. he clicked his tongue as he looked through his games, then suddenly announcing, "let's play gta 5!" i nodded and started to boot up the game when he suddenly announced again, "can i stream while we play? i gotta stay on that grind."

i smiled again and said, "yeah, go ahead. i'll make the party."

i saw in the corner of my eye that he was staring at the video of me. i tried not to pay much mind to it, though.

i saw that he had muted himself to greet his chat. i put the stream up on my computer, checking out what he was doing. nothing special.

i privately messaged him to accept my friend request on gta and to join my party. he did and unmuted. "now, chat, i have a very special guest for me today." he took a second to read the speedy chat. "no, it's not carson or travis. in fact, they've never been on my stream before." i saw that he put his stream to show my face on discord. i waved. "give it up for y/n, boys! as you know, we're going to be playing gta 5. i've played it briefly but i have never streamed it so hopefully, it'll be as funny as carson makes it be." i gave small jazz hands as he put his stream to look back at his gta screen.

now it was my turn to speak. "okay schlatt, i've never played this game before so you're gonna have to lead me through this." i looked at the chat and tried to not laugh. they were all twisting our words and making shipping jokes about us.

"great then, well let's start our first mission or something!" schlatt said.

and the rest i could barely remember.

all i knew was that we were fucking around in the game, making jokes like the pewdiepie bridge, and just having a grand time. i felt lightheaded throughout the whole time from laughing so much. we instantly hit it off, i could hardly believe it.

after about 4 hours of us streaming, schlatt decided it was time to say bye to his viewers. "alright chat, thank you so much for tuning in with us today. we had a great time, of course. thank you patricia001bang for the $50, wow! yes, i'll be playing more minecraft soon..." i zoned out of his talking, the rest of it not very relevant to me as he was thanking his donations. i kept on reading chat. all of it was usually something about simping, shipping us, or some jokes that his viewers have that i didn't understand yet.

i went on my phone until i heard his familiar voice say, "hey y/n, the stream is done." i put away my phone and smiled at the camera, smiling at him. "sorry, i had to read donations."

"no i get it, no need to apologize," i instantly said, shaking my head. it was schlatt's turn to smile. "what now?"

the brunette thought for a second. "let's just talk for a bit. i want to know more about you." so i did. i talked about myself, him surprisingly being patient and adding in fun jokes in while i thought. he asked questions and it made me feel special.

god damnit, am i catching feelings for this dumb boy?!

soon enough, i felt tired of myself. i stayed quiet for a second before saying abruptly, "tell me about you. i'm sick of myself," which made schlatt laugh.

"another day, y/n. it's getting late in brooklyn."

oh shit, i completely forgot we living in different areas.

"oh my god, i completely forgot about that!" i exclaimed, giggling nervously. "well, i guess you should go off to bed, huh?"

schlatt smiled warmly. "i should. goodnight y/n."

"goodnight schlatt." and with that, his voice and smile went.

i put my face into my hands. jesus, this guy was really growing something inside of me.

i shook my head, trying to get schlatt out of my head. it was only 10 pm for me. i assumed i should also get ready for bed. i got out of my chair and went to go take a shower, thinking about anything else than schlatt. if i thought more about him, the more i'd feel the pit in my stomach.

i hopped out of the shower, washed my face, got changed into my pajamas and ate a quick, small snack to replace my forgotten dinner. whatever, i'll eat a bigger breakfast tomorrow.

as i ate at my table, i looked on twitter.

not even minutes ago, schlatt had tweeted with a russian meme.

jschlatt: can't stop thinking. head is boggled.

i replied for it for the hell of it.

y/t/n: go the fuck to sleep schlatt

as i tried to eat, schlatt responded.

jschlatt: or what, smart ass?

i thought for a second.

y/t/n: or i'll go over there and kick your ass myself

jschlatt: be my guest.

y/t/n: schlatt just go to sleep

jschlatt: gladly


a/n: thank you so much for reading! i know ive been posting a lot but ive gotten many ideas and i need to fucking write, and honey you have a big storm coming (;

i know this is kinda short but hopefully the next chapter will be longer

good day, good night, comment and vote!

again, thank you for reading!

- vizlore

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