chapter fifteen

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today, schlatt and i had been streaming together the whole day. it was nothing special, we were only playing some overwatch but it was fun to have some quality time with him, despite him recording.

soon enough, we got tired of it and talked to chat for a little before schlatt decided to end the stream. he had put into our private chat to stay in the call for longer, even though i had to leave soon for work.

he ended the stream. "i've been missing you so much, y/n." he said as he put on his facecam. i did the same.

"i have been too, schlatt," i replied softly, "but it's only been ten days. not even 2 weeks, yet."

"i know, i know," he said with a sigh. he took his contacts out away where i couldn't see him before he cleaned his glasses and put them on. "ah, fuck. those were bugging me the whole time."

i giggled at his attempt to lighten the mood. "okay, schlatt. i know you have something on your mind. you gotta tell me, i have to leave soon."

"for work, right?" i nodded. he hesitated. "right, okay. well, i was wondering if you would be willing to come here? to new york?"

i smiled but looked at my monitor sadly. "schlatt, you know i can't do that, with my money and my job and everything-"

"just for a week! please, i'll even pay for half, it's only $400 round trip! if money is really a big hassle for you, i'll pay for full."

i shook my hands aggressively. he was so sweet but i couldn't allow him to do that. "schlatt, please, you don't need to pay for my plane ticket. i'll be good."

he stayed quiet for a second. "you'll come?!"

i rolled my eyes and smiled. "of course i am! i wouldn't miss it for the world." i exclaimed enthusiastically. he sighed in relief. "i just will need some time to get work and shit figured out."

he nodded along and searched up what i could presume flights. "can you come on saturday?"

"probably, i'm usually free then," i replied as i looked at my computer's calendar. "yep. and you said for a week?" he hummed a yes.

i looked at the flights and picked delta, as i always thought they were okay. "okay, i'll buy it later tonight. i want to talk to you before i go."

"y/n, please allow me to pay half. i don't want you spending so much money on a flight."

i sighed in frustration. "it's only $400, i'll be fine, it's my flight." as i spoke, i saw on my phone that schlatt had given me $200. "schlatt!"

"i want to be able to help you, it was my idea, anyway," he retaliated. i pouted my lips and reached out my arms, as if he was there to hug me.

"if you were here i would kiss you." i said quietly.

"well, you better save that kiss for saturday. i'll be waiting for it at your gate."

i laughed softly before checking the time. "it's time for me to go. i'll see you tomorrow, goodnight." we waved goodbye as i left to go get ready.


"you're doing what?!" i heard my brother shout through my car's speakers. i groaned at his disapproval. it was such a long day and so late at night, i didn't want to be dealing with his shit right now.

"i'm going to new york on saturday for a week. are you deaf?" i asked as i drove out of my work's parking lot.

"why on earth would you do that for? for your boyfriend?" i could hear the disapproval in his voice.

"i am, alexander, and you can't do anything about it. i'm an adult, i can go travel and see my boyfriend. you're not my father."

"i'm not, but i really care about you. what if you don't actually love this man, and he's just a shitty person?"

i scoffed at his question. why the fuck is he trying to question my actions? "fuck off! you're not the one dating him, so zip your goddamned mouth!"

he sighed and stayed quiet for a little. "y/n, you have a job and college to stay participating in. you can't distract yourself with some boy."

"actually, i'm on break for school and i've been thinking about quitting my job for a while now."

"are you fucking joking? you cannot be serious." i cringed at myself. i knew he would have this reaction, i said too much. "is schlit going to your brain or something-"

"his name is schlatt!" i shouted. my eyes started to water up and i pulled over to not get myself into a collision. "when will you stop going into my business? you're not my father, it's not your responsibility to take care of me, so why the hell do you care? it's like i'm underneath your wing all the time, jesus christ! i'm a woman just trying to live her goddamn! life! when will you shut! up!?"

in the fury of the moment, i meant all of it, but would probably regret how i said it in the morning. i was tired and upset. i didn't need to be having this bullshit.

it seemed like he was stunned as he didn't respond and instead stayed quiet until i ended the call on him. i put my elbows on my steering wheel and put my hands in my face, keeping myself calm from crying and the sudden mood swing at my brother. god, did it feel so relieving to get that off my chest but i also felt so guilty.

i stayed in that position until i heard a car slow down next to me and roll down the window. i looked at the call before also rolling down my window. "hey, are you alright?" i heard them shout to me. i gave them a thumbs up and smile before they nodded to me and drove off. i quickly rubbed my eyes before i started to drive again, feeling better, and keeping my mind off of the situation, not wanting to cry.

once i had gotten home, i decided to stay up a little later than i usually did. i went onto my computer and decided to call travis, expecting that he would lift my spirits before bed. he answered quickly. "hiii!" he greeted cheerfully.

"hey trav," i replied with a forced amount of heart, "what're you up to?"

"oh, i'm just playing animal crossing. why are you calling me so late? you usually go to bed at this time."

"mmm, i'm just a little sad. you mind sharing your screen?"

"nope, not at all!" he popped his 'p' as he shared his screen with me, making his little character clap with a small smile. it made me smile.

until 2 in the morning, we kept each other entertained with travis making me laugh a lot, as he always did. i knew staying up this late would bite me in the ass tomorrow with work but i didn't care.

soon enough, i was getting tired and fell asleep, still on the call with my best friend.

contradictions take their toll, is that where we went wrong?


a/n: thank you sooooo muccchhhh for reading!!!! this is a short chapter but tbh, it really wasn't anything that i was planning on making it long (: hopefully you're still satisfied haha!

the song lyric (last line about contradictions) is from the song roddy by djo ! it's a really good song, go listen!/

i think we have gotten over 6k reads? bruh!!! i have no words! tysm!!!

would you guys be interested in more fanfictions? if so, suggestions?

also, how did you guys find this story? just curious (:

again, thank you for reading and have a good rest of your night/day!

- vizlore

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