chapter twenty-seven

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i made one more edit to my resignation letter before rereading it for the final time, making sure that it was as formal and polite as i could make it. i leaned back in my chair. i felt relieved, for now. all i needed to do now was to give it to my boss in a couple of hours. no big deal, right? i was only quitting my job, nothing to stress about.

nonetheless of my positive comments, i still felt scared. what if the streaming thing didn't work out? gaming and going onto my computer for entertainment would turn into a full-time thing, in some way.

i shook those thoughts of of my head. no, i'm quitting for good. the job wasn't fitting for my schedule or lifestyle anyways. i pressed the print button on my computer and got up to my printer once i heard it was finished.

y/n: i'm quitting our waitress job :(

kate: are you serious?

kate: you're going to be leaving me with jack and cameron and those other people?

y/n: 100% serious

kate: when are you leaving for good?

y/n: two weeks

y/n: you can still come over though

kate: well, that only makes sense

kate: if i get any dirt on them i'll be sure to tell you first

y/n: i would hope so, girl!

i took my papers from the printer, put my paperclip on them, then placed it down on my desk, visible so i could see it when i leave the house.


i stretched a little bit before taking off my apron. "you're actually going to be leaving in two weeks?" i heard kate ask me. one of my other colleagues made a small questioning noise. i confirmed it.

"wait, what does kate mean that you're 'leaving'?" cameron asked, shaking his head to move his blond overgrown bangs. "you're moving away or what?"

i hung up my apron. "no, i'm staying in san deigo, i'm just quitting. it's not that big of a deal."

"oh, nice," he said with a friendly smile. "can i get your number then, to stay in contact?"

i looked at kate, who was barely any help. she could only smirk at me and give me a quick thumbs up from behind him. was she braindead when i told her i had a boyfriend?

"yeah sure," i replied as i gave him my phone. he texted himself and gave me back my phone. "i'll see you guys on monday." i waved them goodbye as i left.

once i had gotten home, i unwrapped the sandwich i got at a nearby market and texted schlatt, asking if he was awake. he replied almost immediately. i facetimed him. "'ello, luv."

his screen was really dark but i could vaguely see his face. "hey," he said before coughing. his voice sounded hoarse or close to gone. "shit, sorry. i'm losing my voice."

i smiled softly. "it's alright, it's kinda cute anyway. are you going to bed soon? you should get some rest."

"i tried but i don't know, might have to do with that pepsi i drank." i could hear him sigh dramatically. "did you just get off of work?"

"yep. i only have two more weeks with that job, by the way." i started to eat my sandwich.

"what? did you quit?" he asked. i made a sound to say yes. "so that means you're going over to twitch?" again, i made a sound and swallowed my food.

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