chapter twenty-four

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i sat down on my couch and unwrapped my warm, fresh panini, taking a large bite out of it. it was eerily quiet without y/n. she was only gone for about an hour but i already missed her. it was dumb.

i looked around my apartment. shit, i should start packing, huh? i told my landlord i would be moving out in a couple of weeks, but i should get out of here before then.

my eyes kept grazing the room before it landed on my bright computer.

i thought for a minute.

"stream while you pack. what an excellent idea, schlatt!" i complimented myself before going over to my computer and booting up my twitch stream. i tweeted out at the same time.

jschlatt: come and chat. i'm packing my crap

after a couple more minutes, i started the stream and put it on my waiting screen. chat started to roll in with their emotes and greetings. i unmuted myself and started to speak. "hey chat, how's it going? how was your day?" i smiled at all the responses i was getting. my chat was always entertaining.

after a couple more minutes of me chatting, i put on my camera onto my face and took another bite out of my sandwich, talking more.

"chat, don't look at my ass, okay? don't look at my ass," i shouted to my microphone as i got out a box and making it into its square shape. as i loudly taped the box, i got a call.

i picked up my phone to see that minx was calling me. "you guys, minx is calling me. should i pick up?" i asked the chat. i already knew i was going to but i still waited for a second to read chat. everyone was saying yes. i picked up and put it on speaker, putting it close to my microphone. "what do you want?"

"i saw you were streaming," i heard her reply to me with her irish accent. "i wanted to annoy you because that's what you did on my led lights streams. don't you want the company of your best friend?" i chuckled.

"oh my god, you're sooo funny!" i yelled into my phone before eating more. i spoke with my mouth full to annoy her. "what do you fucking want?"

"what the fuck are you eating! don't speak to a lady like that!"

i took another bite close to the camera so my chat and minx could see me eat. "i'm eating a fucking panini! and you aren't any lady, you're a fucking broad with you sitting with your feet up on your desk." i could hear her shuffle around. "do you have your feet up on your desk again!?"

"no i don't, shut the fuck up!" she yelled back at me. i smiled at the camera before turning on my vibration therapy toy and using it on my arm. i knew how much she hated it. "what the hell is that!"

"ah, sorry, i can barely hear you over my- what even is this thing? vibrator?" i said with a smirk.

"vibrator? schlatt, are you okay, jesus!"

"fuck, sorry minx, i might need to call you some other time. i haven't finished yet," i said before ending the call. i got up from my seat before i got another call from minx. "oh my god, chat. we're doing this again." i answered the call.

"why the hell did you hang up on me?" she shouted.

"you're boring! i'm sorry minx, you're just not providing any entertainment for my poor twitch chat," i simply replied, "unless you're gonna show your tits, i'm not interested."

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