chapter twenty-one

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i felt a drop of water fall onto the side of my face and a swish of an iced drink above me. "hey, i got you starbucks, as i promised," i could hear schlatt whisper to me. i groaned quietly but i took the drink with the blanket covering my hands. he sat cross-legged next to me. "good?"

i sipped the drink and nodded. "did you get coffee?" i asked. he reached over to the bedside table to grab his own iced drink. "oh."

he took a drink out of his own coffee and watched me yawn and rub my eyes. "you're not very talkative."

no shit. "i'm tired, that's all," i lied. there was actually a lot on my mind, but i didn't feel like pouring it out to schlatt. not because i didn't trust him, but because i needed to figure out myself on what to do with those thoughts. he bit his straw sideways and nodded.

"well, i was thinking about going on the trail next to the lake, the one we wanted to go on the first day."

i stayed quiet to process it for a moment. "another riverwalk?"

"no, the trail next to the lake," he exclaimed with a small chuckle. "christ almighty, you're slow today. are you sure you're just tired?"

"i think so," i muttered softly. i smiled at him but noticed his pajama bottoms and hoodie. "did you shower yet?"

he shook his head and got off the bed. "i'm actually gonna do that right now. see ya." he disappeared into the bathroom. i sighed and laid back down to look on my phone.

when schlatt got out of the restroom, he went onto the bed and hugged me, putting his wet head on my chest. i started to laugh with the water going on my neck and shirt. "schlatt! your hair- it's wet!"

"really? i didn't notice," i heard him say, probably with a smile.

"that's not nice." i took out my phone and started to record him on me. "ladies and gentlemen, welcome to simp nation..." he laughed and smacked the phone out of my hand, making me laugh hard.

"i am no simp!" he exclaimed as he got off of me, sitting up properly.

"says the one who brought me out to a cabin with nature!" i retaliated as i also sat up.

he crossed his arms. "would you prefer me to be working and streaming daily?"

"schlatt, as long as i'm with you, i don't care."

his cheeks turned a little pink. "god, you're so cute," he said with his small, sideways grin. "go and get ready for the hike." i nodded and got off the bed, going to the restroom.


we started to walk on the trail with the twigs and leaves crunching underneath us. the lake was nicely secluded by the trees, giving it a cute yet mysterious atmosphere.

as we walked, schlatt went in front of me but his timbs suddenly went to a halt. "holy shit, that scared me so much..." he whispered to himself as he laughed.

"what? what scared you-?" i asked as i went next to him, looking at the dirt path. there was nothing.

"no, no i thought that a snake was a twig. i nearly stepped on the damn thing," he replied, pointing with his finger where it was. "it just went into the bush though, we're okay."

my eyes widened as i watched the bush rustle around. "there are snakes here? i am not okay with that, schlatt."

"it was probably a gardener snake, they're harmless. let's go." he started to walk but stopped when he realized i wasn't going with him. he reached out his hand for me. "y/n?"

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