chapter nine

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i woke up in my own bed with the pink hoodie on my desk's chair. the memories of schlatt filled up my mind as i looked at it. i couldn't help but to smile to myself. i probably looked like a complete fool.

i went to the shower the instant i got out of bed, feeling sticky from not showering the night before. with that, i also washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair, and put on a very minimal amount of makeup. i got dressed in schlatt's hoodie once again.

putting my hair up in a semi-high ponytail, i checked out my kitchen to see what i could eat. i decided on some cereal. as i checked twitter, i tweeted at schlatt.

y/t/n: @ jschlatt do you want your hoodie back?

jschlatt: yeah that would be greatly appreciated

i checked the time really quickly. 8 am.

y/t/n: you available today?

jschlatt: yes

y/t/n: your uber will be there at noon (:

bringing a boy over to my place wasn't really my thing but i felt brave today. i needed to get closer to him if i wanted to date him, right?

i checked around my house, seeing that my rooms were clean and we had something to do. i didn't want to bore him and make him leave, that would just defeat the whole purpose.

cleaning up my dishes, i got a text from my brother.

alexander: who is j schlatt? you have his hoodie?

i didn't answer him, although that would probably wasn't the greatest choice. i was just too lazy to explain that i was interested in someone. he always thought i would never get a good partner and always discouraged relationships.

i placed my blankets and pillows basket next to the couch and turned on the fairy lights that lined around the outside of it. i would expect we would watch a movie or play video games. 

to pass the time, i played some rabbids, but soon enough, it got close to noon and i started to head out to go pick up schlatt, being his uber.

as i was getting closer to the house, schlatt kept on texting me something about the uber's car. i obviously didn't answer for my own safety.

i got to the house and tweeted at schlatt.

y/t/n: @ jschlatt your uber is here

i saw the man exit the house and start heading to my car. he looked confused but once he realized it was me, he smiled.

"wow, y/n got me a pretty cute uber," he said to me as he got in the front seat. i scoffed.

"only the best from her," i replied as i started to drive to my own house.

"so where are we going?"

"to my murder shed," i replied without thinking. i saw him tense up in the corner of my eye. "i'm kidding, we're going back to my place. i hope you like video games, twitch streamer."

he laughed quietly and looked out the window. after a little silence with only some crappy radio music in the background, he asked me, "can i chose some songs?"

i handed my phone to him after unlocking it. "go right ahead."

he started to play a mix of some early 2000s bops and music with a strong beat. i sang along with him to the ones i knew.

once we arrived to my humble abode, he complimented it. "very cozy looking, wow."

"i'm a girl, what do you expect my house to look like?" i replied with a light laugh. "do you want any drinks or snacks? i have basically everything."

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