Going home

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Georgie was sitting on Elvis's bed while he was getting ready "I'm going to tell Charlie" she said Elvis nodded "do you want me to come?" He asked "no, no I'll be okay" she said he smiled and gave her a kiss as she walked out.
She knocked on Charlie's door "come in" he said she walked in and smiled "sit down Lane" he smiled "I'm okay" she smiled "what can I do for you?" He asked "I um, I've got something to say" she said he nodded "I'm pregnant, and I'm really sorry I didn't tell you before but I needed to be in this place where I felt close to Elvis and then when I found out he was alive I had to find him Charlie, without him I didn't care, I didn't care if I didn't live and as awful as it sounds I didn't care what happened to me, I wasn't looking after the baby because I wasn't looking after me and thank god is he back because I don't know what I would have done" she said Charlie didn't know what to say. "I am so sorry" she said "are you sure, are you really sure your pregnant?" He asked Georgie unzipped her pocket and placed the pregnancy test in front of him he looked at it and nodded she had tears in her eyes "go and pack your bags your going home" he said Georgie nodded "at least you and Elvis can have some time together" he smiled she nodded "I'm not ready for a baby Charlie" she said "what are you going to do?" He asked "keep it of course I am but I have to give up so much" she said he smiled "if it means anything I had Elvis saying he's going to leave to just continue with regimental duties he's had enough George he's nearly 30, go home with the man you love, buy a house have a family and work for the army 9 to 5 training medics go home to the kids pick them up from school kiss them goodnight" he said Georgie nodded "is he really leaving?" She asked "that's what he said but go and talk it through with him" he said she nodded "thank you" she said "good luck George" he said she smiled "the planes taking Elvis tomorrow. Go home with him" he said she nodded "thank you" she said he smiled "go on" he smiled she nodded and walked out. She walked in to Elvis and he smiled "I'm going home with you tomorrow" she said he smiled and kissed her lips "I'm leaving here for good" he said she smiled "working from the UK training" he said Georgie smiled "I love you" she said he smiled "I love you too, you listen to me, we're going to have an amazing family an amazing house an amazing wedding and live an amazing life okay? And I'm never leaving you again" he said she smiled and nodded he held her hands and she smiled he carried on getting ready and she started packing her stuff.
That evening Georgie and Elvis got ready to go out. They were sitting at the bar Georgie sat with a glass of water when their song came on. Georgie smiled and so did Elvis "I haven't listened to this in months" he said "I've listened to this everyday" she smiled Come on" said Elvis "what?" She smiled "come on" he said holding her hand. He walked to the dance floor with her and held her close dancing with her "I love her because she moves in her own way" he whispered in her ear with the music she smiled and kept hold of him. When the song finished Monk and Fingers walked over to Georgie with a glass of wine "I'm okay thank you I'm not drinking tonight" she smiled "why?" Asked throbber walking up behind him "since when have you turned down a drink" he added she smiled "I have now" she smiled fingers lent over looking shocked "your not?" He asked "not what?" She asked "there's going to be a mini George?" He asked quietly she looked at Elvis and he gave a slight nod and Georgie nodded "or a mini Elvis" she smiled "but..." said Fingers "I haven't slept with anyone else, I'm 4 months pregnant" she said Fingers looked shocked "I'm going to be an uncle!" He laughed the whole of 2 section walked over and everyone heard the news Georgie and Elvis got hugs all round Charlie looked over and smiled "to Georgie and Elvis, and their future" he smiled raising his glass everyone raised their glass and drank to them. "I haven't told my mum I guess I should ring tell her I'm on my way home with you" she said he nodded "it would be a quite a surprise if I turned up with you wouldn't it" he laughed she nodded and kissed his cheek walking out with him. They sat on the bench and Georgie FaceTimed her mum "hi mum" she smiled "hey hunny" she smiled "I just wanted to let you know I'm coming home tomorrow I'll be back about 10pm" she smiled "why?" She asked "look" she said pointing the camera at Elvis "Elvis?" She asked "he wasn't dead mum they kidnapped him" Georgie almost cried "oh Georgie that's amazing sweetheart" she smiled Elvis held Georgie close "so Charlie's sent me home with him, I'm taking the compassionate leave I never took" she smiled her mum laughed "I'll see you tomorrow both of you I suppose" she smiled Georgie nodded "I love you mum" she smiled "I love you too Georgie and you Elvis" she smiled he smiled "see you tomorrow" he smiled she smiled and shut off the phone. "Let's go back to barracks" he said she nodded holding his hand and walking back. They walked into Elvis's barracks and lied down together in their underwear falling asleep in each others arms.

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