All is well in the world

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After 3 weeks in hospital everyone was going home. Georgie was fine a nice scar later and she was okay. Baby Tyler was doing amazingly for how early he was. They were about to go home to everything being how it was supposed to be. Elvis walked into Georgie's room and smiled she was putting her stuff in her bag and she was dressed. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her carefully "all is well in the world" he said resting his head over her shoulder, she smiled and put her hands on his "that's your favourite thing to say isn't it?" She smiled he smiled "it makes you smile" he said she smiled and turned to face him and then looked over at their baby in the cot. "He's perfect" she said "just like you" she added they walked over and held hands as the watched their little baby "well he got your skin, look at that" she smiled Elvis smiled "Italian skin, nice and brown" she smiled he smiled and kissed her cheek "your not exactly pale" he smiled she smiled "I've been blessed with the ability to tan" she smiled he smiled "he's got your eyes" he smiled "big brown eyes" he added "we've both got brown eyes what chance did he have" she laughed he laughed "that's true" he laughed "he really does look like you" she smiled "you know, when I found out I was pregnant and you weren't here, I didn't think I could go through with it but then I knew I had to because he was a piece of you and it would be like losing you all over again, looking at him, he is a mini you, and... just don't scare me like that again" she said tears in her eyes he turned to face her and hugged her kissing her cheek "I'm so sorry" he said "it wasn't your fault" she smiled he wiped her eyes "come on let's get this little monster home" he smiled she nodded and they put him in the car seat. Her mum was waiting for them in the car park she was going to take them home. They walked out Elvis carrying the car seat in one hand and one of the bags in the other and Georgie carrying the other bag. Grace smiled and got out opening the back door to put the baby in and opening the boot for the bags. "Hey George" she smiled hugging her "hi" she smiled "we're going home" she smiled her mum nodded and smiled "you are" she smiled. Elvis got in the back with Tyler "you get in the front" he said she smiled and got in the car and her mum drove them the 30 minutes home. Georgie opened the door and smiled at her dad, Lulu and Marie sitting on the steps. Elvis smiled and got Tyler out of the car carrying the car seat in and Grace got the two bags out of the back. "I'm home" Georgie smiled hugging her dad he smiled "your home" he smiled holding her tightly. She stood up and looked at the house "for someone who travels the world for months at a time, you got quite homesick didn't you?" Asked Elvis standing next to her "I didn't get homesick, I wanted back what we had here" she smiled Elvis smiled and kissed her cheek. "Here we are, left with 2 back with 3" he smiled she smiled "and a scar" she said "a scar that I love" he smiled "almost left with 3" she laughed he smiled "thank god we didn't" he laughed she smiled. Georgie unlocked the door and walked in "we moved the Moses basket and everything into your room next to your side of the bed" smiled Marie Georgie smiled "thank you" she smiled hugging her sister "who thought we'd see the day Georgie Lane was a mum" smiled Lulu "it's not just you that found it hard to imagine" she said sitting down on the sofa everyone chilled out and had cuddles with Tyler. Georgie was soon asleep with Elvis's arm around her back. "We will head off it's getting late" smiled Grace standing up quietly "what's the time?" Asked Elvis his watch behind Georgie's back "10 to 10" said Grace "wow, that baby has slept a solid 2 hours" he smiled Grace smiled "he's alright" she smiled looking at him Elvis smiled and Georgie opened her eyes when Tyler started crying. Grace smiled at her "we're heading off hunny" her mum smiled Georgie sat up and then stood up and smiled "thank you" she smiled hugging her mum "I did nothing" she smiled Georgie just held her close "I'm a grandma" she smiled Georgie laughed "and a bloody good one at that" she smiled her mum stroked her face "go and wash your hair George" her mum smiled Georgie laughed "I've put the hot water on. I'll run you a bath" smiled Elvis Georgie smiled and hugged her dad followed by her sisters "thank you, all of you" she said they all smiled and said their goodbyes and left. Georgie sat back down on the sofa with Tyler in her arms "I'll run you a bath" smiled Elvis putting a hand on her shoulder "thank you" she smiled. He walked upstairs and ran her a hot bubbly bath. He put a towel on the toilet seat and her dressing gown on the back of the door "baths ready" he smiled walking downstairs. Georgie stood up and smiled "here" smiled Elvis taking Tyler "thank you" she said leaning into his chest he smiled and wrapped his free arm around her "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she smiled "go on bath" he smiled she smiled and walked upstairs "I'm going to put him to bed" he smiled Georgie nodded and headed into the bathroom. Elvis put Tyler to bed and then knocked on the bathroom door "you can come in" she smiled he opened the door and sat down on the toilet seat putting the towel on the floor "are you okay?" He asked she nodded "you don't seem yourself" he said "I'm not the same person am I?" She asked "what?" He asked "I'm a mum now" she said "that doesn't change you" he smiled sitting on the floor next to the bath and holding her hand "your tired, you want a good nights sleep" he said "I'm not cut out to be a mum" she said tears in her eyes "don't talk like that George, your an incredible mum" he said "I'm not Elvis, I'm not" she said putting her hand to her head covering her eyes "right, you look at me!" He said she turned to face him "your a bloody good mother, a bloody amazing fiancée and your going to be an incredible wife" he said she didn't say anything "I just... it's hard Elvis" she cried "do you remember that girl in Afghan, the one that had that vest strapped to her, the one that you saved" he said Georgie nodded "you loved her, you wanted everything for that little girl" he said she nodded "and I know that you want the same for Tyler" he said she nodded "I want more for him Elvis he's my baby" she said he smiled "we all know what your like with no sleep" he laughed she smiled "maybe your right" she smiled. Georgie sat up and got out of the bath Elvis picked up the towel and wrapped it around her holding her close "your beautiful" he said "I don't feel beautiful. Scars, inside and out, look at my belly" she said "that's because your body has done the most beautiful thing Georgie, and it will get better you only gave birth 3 weeks ago" he said she nodded and hugged him and then they heard Tyler crying "come on" she smiled he smiled holding her hand and they walked out. Elvis picked Tyler up and Georgie smiled "sleep that side, I'll watch him tonight" he said Georgie smiled "you don't have to do that" she said "he's as much me as he is you" he smiled "wake me up when he needs a feed" she said putting her pyjamas on "I've got 2 bottles there" he said Georgie smiled and nodded climbing into bed. Elvis got in next to her and she lied back in his arms his other hand comforting Tyler in his cot next to the bed Georgie rested her head on his chest "night George I love you" he said she smiled "night, I love you too" she smiled drifting off.

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