2 months later

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Georgie and Elvis were going to Monks wedding. They were taking Tyler with them, he hadn't met all of the lads and Georgie and Elvis thought he needed to. They turned up in the day without Tyler and left him at Georgie's mums in case he cried through the whole ceremony. They got out of the car and walked towards the church Mimi saw Georgie and smiled Georgie ran over and hugged her "hi stranger" Mimi smiled "I'm missed you all" Georgie smiled "your going to party hard with us all tonight, we've got to make up for it haven't we" she laughed Georgie nodded "we certainly have" she smiled "You haven't met Elvis have you?" Asked Georgie Mimi shook her head "Elvis this is Mimi the new medic, I was training her up in Afghan" she smiled Elvis smiled and held out a hand "we don't do that here" Mimi laughed giving him a hug Elvis laughed and so did Georgie. Someone walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her neck Georgie jumped and laughed and turned around "Brains!" She smiled hugging him he smiled "I've missed you and your nervous disposition" he laughed she laughed "ive missed you all, who's keeping you in line now? Your a pack of monkeys" she laughed "that would still be me" Charlie laughed "hi Charlie" she smiled giving him a hug "Your mates are inside Elvis, spanner, blue and Jackson" he smiled Elvis smiled "tonight's going to be a good catchup" he laughed Georgie laughed "it sure is" she smiled "Where's everyone else?" Georgie asked "Fingers is best man, he's inside and I think the others have done in" she said Georgie nodded "let's go" she smiled. They walked into the church and sat down behind the rest of them.
After the ceremony Georgie walked out with Elvis holding hands her mum was dropping Tyler off. They walked over to her mum and smiled "thank you" smiled Georgie "no, you guys have fun, I'll be back to pick him up at 10" she smiled Georgie hugged her mum and smiled "I love you" she smiled "I love you too sweetheart, enjoy yourself you don't get to do that very often now" she laughed Georgie nodded. "Thank you Grace" Elvis said as she drove off. He pushed the buggy into the reception room and Georgie kept hold of his hand. They sat down, it was 6:30pm already it was a late afternoon wedding. The soldiers were all sitting on one table together. They needed a catch up. Next song came on, it was she moves in her own way. Elvis smiled to himself and so did Georgie "Brains watch him, and Blue watch him" he laughed holding Georgie's hand and standing up Georgie followed him to the dance floor he held her hand and behind her waist and she smiled resting her head on his shoulder "I love her because she moves in her own way" he whispered in her ear with the music she smiled and held him close. "Get a room you two" Monk laughed walking past "we did and look what that landed us with, best mistake of my life" Georgie laughed Monk smiled "have a good night george" he said she smiled "you too, congratulations mate" she smiled giving him a hug. Elvis took Georgie back into his arms and she smiled "it's nice to be out" she said he smiled "it is isn't it" he smiled she just kept dancing with him until the song finished. They walked back over to Brains having a cuddle with Tyler "bonding are we?" Georgie laughed sipping her drink he smiled and passed him back "no, no you keep hold of him" she smiled Brains smiled and kept hold of him. 10pm soon came, Georgie was drunk Elvis hadn't drank much he wanted Tyler home safe first. Her phone was ringing and she picked it up "George I'm in the car park" her mum said Georgie smiled "give me the phone" Elvis smiled "I'll bring him down now Grace" he smiled "is she alright?" She asked "she's fine she's just passed tipsy I think" he laughed Grace smiled and they shut off the phone. Elvis took Tyler down and strapped him in the car "look after her" she smiled he nodded "always" he smiled Grace nodded and drove off. Georgie stood at the top of the stairs and Elvis smiled holding her around her waist. "I love you" she said he smiled "I love you too baby" he smiled she kissed his lips and he kissed her back "not here, not now" he laughed "is there a bathroom?" She asked "no George, not now, your drunk, do you want me to take you home?" He asked "no, I'm having loads of fun" she smiled he smiled and they walked back in.
It got to 12pm and Georgie was dancing with Charlie he held her close and she smiled "I think I'm a bit drunk" she laughed Charlie smiled "I think your a bit drunk too" he laughed "I haven't drank for over a year" she said he smiled "that will be why" he laughed Georgie smiled "how are you getting home George?" He asked "taxi?" She said he nodded. Elvis sat catching up with the special forces dudes. The song finished and Georgie sat down on a chair in the corner just watching everyone. Blue looked at her "you might want to um, go and check on her" he said Elvis looked at her "I think it might be home time" he said they smiled "I think you might be right" spanner laughed. Elvis walked over and sat down next to her "shall we go home?" He asked she just watched everyone and nodded slowly he picked up her coat and helped her get it on and then they walked over to Monk. "Thank you for inviting us we're heading off now" Georgie smiled Elvis held her hand "cheers mate and congratulations" he smiled Monk smiled and hugged Georgie "get a good nights sleep George" he smiled she nodded and they said their goodbyes to everyone else and headed off. They walked outside and Elvis smiled "taxi will be here soon" he said she nodded and they sat on the wall "I feel 18 again" she laughed Elvis smiled "your very drunk I know that" he laughed she smiled "are you drunk?" She asked "I am a bit yeah, but not as drunk as you" he laughed she smiled and hugged him "I do really love you, you know that don't you" she said he smiled and kissed her head "I know, I really love you too" he smiled holding her close. The taxi turned up and they got in and headed home. Georgie walked upstairs Elvis locked the doors and headed up after her "come on get this on" he said picking up a night shirt. He turned her around and undid her dress and pushed it down over her hips and pulled the shirt over her helping her into bed. He stripped off to boxers and cuddled down with her "get some sleep" he smiled she turned over and looked up at him kissing his lips "Georgie, no your drunk" he said "who cares" she laughed holding the edge of his pants. Soon enough they didn't have any clothes on. "Georgie, I don't have anything" he said "I take the pill" she said "yeah you do but you take it at 7pm and you didn't today" he said "didn't I?" She asked "no, no you didn't" he said "I'll get a morning after pill" she said "Georgie stop" he said sitting up grabbing his dressing gown. He turned on the lamp and put his arm around her back in bed "listen to me, I love you, I love you so so much, but we can't do this now and I wish we could but your too drunk, you don't know what your doing, we've already got a baby we don't need another one just yet" he said she nodded tears in her eyes "come here" he said hugging her "I'm sorry" she cried "you've got nothing to be sorry for, let's get some sleep come on" he said she nodded and they lied down and went to sleep.

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