Hang on Georgie

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Georgie got rushed through to theatre and the baby got took to NICU although he was fine he was just very early. Elvis and Grace were sitting outside theatre whilst Marie went to get them drinks. Grace just burst into tears "it's going to be alright Grace" he said putting his arm around her back. "You don't know that" she cried "yeah I do, you should see her Grace, the situations she gets herself in, I don't know how she's still alive" he laughed "I think it's her undeniable charm" he laughed Grace laughed a bit "that girl is a soldier, a real soldier, she's a fighter Grace" he said "and she's not going to give up, she never gives up" he said Grace held his hand "she's the tactical one, the one that never goes in guns blazing she always thinks about things and I know she's got a temper believe me I know she has" he laughed "I want to tell you a story" he said she nodded "Georgie made friends with this little girl, a little girl that was the daughter of a Taliban, but a little girl that wanted to go to school, that didn't want to marry at 11, a little girl that wanted her own life dictated by own decisions, she was 8 at the time. Her father was evil pure evil, Georgie got her away from that family, got her put in an orphanage. She started school, she made friends, she has an amazing life, and that was all because of your George" he said she smiled "but that put her in no danger" she said he nodded "it did when her dad sent her out in an explosive vest" he said "what?" She asked "Georgie ran over to her took off her helmet, wrapped her arms around her legs and she said 'stay still hunny I've got you, just stay really really still' Georgie shut her eyes on her knees holding her still. She knew that if that went off she would be red misted but she didn't care in that moment she cared that she got a good life. We got the vest off and threw it, it had 10 seconds on the timer Georgie picked her up and ran she was behind everyone else the little girl couldn't run fast she got thrown probably 10ft she was alright her army uniform did that. When I walked over to her she had her arms wrapped around the little girl and she was laying underneath her she had cushioned her fall. I'll never forget that moment that I thought I had lost her, her eyes were closed the little girl got back up she stood up and then she bent down and she shook Georgie, crying" he said Grace just looked at him "Georgie opened her eyes and hugged her laying on the floor and she said 'I told you everything was going to be just fine'. Grace I promise you everything is going to be just fine" he smiled she nodded "how are you not worried?" She asked "I'm terrified, I can't imagine how she coped when I wasn't here because if she loves me half as much as I love her she wouldn't have, I love her so so much and I wouldn't be able to live without her, Grace I've never felt this way about anyone before, I love her so much" he said putting his head in his hands "how are you so strong" she said "I just, it's army life, you learn to hold everything in" he said "that's not a good thing" said Grace he shook his head "it messed George up, sent her to psych, she didn't talk about you and she almost went off the rails Elvis" she said "let's not talk like that because we're not losing her and nobody is going to be grieving over anybody anytime soon" he said she nodded and then she came out of theatre "is she alright?" Asked Elvis "the bleeding has stopped, she's stable" he said Elvis and Grace followed them to a room. The doctor walked outside and Grace stood outside with him "tell me she's going to be alright?" She asked he nodded "she's going to be fine" he smiled she smiled "when will she wake up?" She asked "any minute" he smiled she nodded "thank you, from all of us, we've lost her almost one too many times. She's only just found happiness again" she said "what do you mean?" He asked "she's a medic in the army, she's been held hostage 3 times, almost killed, and Elvis, he's the love of her life, he was taken hostage in a trap. They faked his death, it almost killed her she went off the rails, she thought he was gone and then it turns out he's alive and it turned out she had been in Afghanistan until she was 5 months pregnant" she said he nodded "big risk" he said "what?" She asked "afghan pregnant" he said she nodded "she didn't think she had anything to live for until Elvis came back" she said he nodded "she's got a lot to live for now" he smiled she nodded "thank you" she said he nodded and walked off. Georgie opened her eyes slowly as her mum walked back in Elvis smiled at her "your alright" he smiled she nodded and held his hand "I've got you" he smiled "I've always got you" he smiled she smiled "the baby?" She asked "a baby boy and he's fine" Elvis smiled she smiled "Tyler then?" She asked smiling he nodded and kissed her head "Tyler" he smiled. Her mum smiled at her "you gave us a proper scare" she smiled pushing her hair back Georgie nodded "you know me, I don't give up" she laughed Elvis smiled "don't we know it" he smiled Georgie tried to sit up "your going to be sore for a while" said her mum Georgie sighed "why can't everything just be normal for me" she said "because your not normal are you George?" Elvis smiled she sighed "I've never liked being normal, but come on, I just wanted to give birth to a child normally" she said "you did George, besides it being in the back of my car, which I've got a big mess to clear up" she laughed Georgie smiled "sorry about that" she smiled "don't you apologise" she said Georgie smiled "can you just help me sit up please?" She asked looking at Elvis he stood up and held her under her arms "ready?" He asked she nodded and he lifted her up she gritted her teeth and held his arms "alright?" He asked She nodded "thank you" she smiled he kissed her head "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she said leaning forward and kissing his lips.

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