11: The Sweet Misunderstanding

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-Some pictures can deceive our hearts-


"Mehdi, it is raining. Come inside. You will catch a cold." 

"I am okay, ma..." Sitting on his porch, he sat staring at the falling raindrops, curling his fists under his chin. Nothing made sense anymore. Without her, he was completely lost. His doctor had recently prescribed him some medicine, but he knew that they weren't going to work. His heart...everything...he was in a very dark place, and this still wasn't enough for paying back his debt. 

The gang men wouldn't stop calling him. They wanted more...wanted him to quell their anger, somehow.  They wanted to fully insult him. Part of him was devastated that he was doing this all alone, that Lina was no longer there to wipe away his tears and tell him everything was going to be fine, yet for now, it was for the better. He had no wife at the moment to trade. His family was safe as long as he worked as a slave for the Mafia 

The thought of Lina alone, struggling and hurting without him, made him feel tortured. Letting her go was so heartbreaking. He couldn't even think of it now. That was momentarily anger that made him let her go, yet he knew holding on to her would just flare the gang's temper. Either trade his wife...or let her go for Neha's sake.  

The thought of his second wife made a sense of sadness engulf his heart. She really wasn't a bad woman. She had been through so much in life. She was made to work for him when he first started dealing with the gang leader. That woman was loyal and broken. Her demise pained him, made him feel sad because she had been his responsibility, too now, but this ache was nothing compared to the ache of losing his wonderful family life. 

He was a weak man. This was all because of him. He had been so mad at Lina when she left him, so hurt when she refused to trust him. He had wanted her to hear his silence...but now, all he wanted was to somehow solve all of his issues and get his ex-wife back, assure her that he never had a change of heart and just return back to the happy moments of his life. 

He remembered moments when Feri had said her first word. That day had been so sweet. 

"Feri, say mama, say mama..." Lina was encouraging her with so much love, but all Feri would do was chew on her tiny fists while sitting on a high chair that was placed right next to the kitchen island. 

"Mehdi, look, she is saying it!" she suddenly beamed, pinching Feri's cheeks and then faking her sound. 

Mehdi could only chuckle in return as he sat on the chair beside her while swiping the screen of his phone. 

They were having breakfast together. His ma had prepared chocolate omelettes for everyone. 

Soon, disappointed, Lina had turned away to take a bite of her omelette when Feri had spoken out loud. 

"Papa," Her first word. Lina was literally so torn. He had to stop himself from smiling in amusement because his dear wife looked so heartbroken. She had glared at the sight of his suppressing a smile. 

Getting up, he picked up Feri and then gently caressed her cheek while cooing at her to say 'Mama,'. Feri did just that. She loved her papa too much to not listen. 

"It would be alright," Zeba now came to sit next to her son. 

"Ma, why didn't you stop me when you knew that I was being secretive?" Isaam rested his head against her shoulder, staring at his fingers.

"Because I knew that whatever you were dealing with couldn't be solved by me."

"I miss her so much, ma."

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