33: The Jailed Hearts

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-He wanted her to listen...to breathe in the shattered pieces of his heart-


There were chains tugging on my arms. I woke up with a gasp as reality sank in and tears flowed. I had no clues where...what had happened to me. I looked around. My prison was just a small dark and empty room, and in one corner a bloody silhouette had me horrified-almost traumatized.

"Mehdi!" Just like me, he was chained against the stone-walls. We were on opposite sides, and our prison door was to our right. Dull moon-light was seeping into the room from the window. My heart broke as I noticed Mehdi laying faint against the wall, with his head gash still bleeding. He had been brought here, too. We both had been brought it...my thoughts started connecting quickly. Could it be? My heart whimpered and hide away from that thought.

Oh, Kivanc...a sob escaped as I brokenly looked at Mehdi again.

I had seen this man so healthy and strong. I had seen him smile at me, considered him my shield-my love for so long. Seeing him this vulnerable, It did something to me. My ex-husband, the man I have shared a huge part of my life with. I never hated him. After everything, I still didn't. Seeing him so lifeless and hurt...it crushed me.

Eyeing Mehdi, right now, was a depressing notion for me.

I was feeling so alone and bitter, as I sniffed and hiccuped with emotions. My calm had toppled once again. Kivanc...I felt so terribly heartbroken by his betrayal; my thoughts not managing to push him away, to forget his smiles and my new-found deep love for him, and Mehdi...I couldn't help but only feel sympathy for him. He had his gelled locked so rough and messy, his formal stance so destroyed by circumstances. His good and polished ways were so contrasting to the environment.

Times...they had changed so much for Mehdi and me. Two people who had promised to stay together, they were so far now. He was so broken. I was so hardened by experience, steeled by the open sky. I was no longer the woman who kept him so high up on the pedestal. Another person had seeped into my heart and stolen in by simply tightening his bandana and flexing his rings. And though, right now, I was bleeding and crying for how my sweet story with a nice man had ended, which was more to do with the pain of past, and there was more agony and shattered pieces tearing my soul as I missed another man, tousled and sobbed over how badly he had fooled me.

I could never have imagined that while sitting away from Mehdi, I would be so terribly worried and heartbroken thinking of Kivanc-the brooding gangster who challenged me at all moments, showed me how to search for happiness in the simplest moment and what love really was; so consuming and so wholesome. Yet, it had all been a huge lie. My emotions had been a game for him. He had moments to tell me the truth, but he didn't.

Another agonized dry sob escaped from me...and I briefly squeezed my eyes as my face contoured with a cracked expression.

"Mehdi..." I coaxed again, this time softly and desperately. He had to wake up. There were tears rolling down my eyes, desperately begging for him to wake up. The overwhelming anxiety was catching up with me. I wanted to scream at him to take me away from this nightmare, to take me back to the simple moments. I wanted it all back. I wanted that naive and silly side of mine that knew about no harsh realities, no nothing.

The fear of being prisoned-kidnapped wasn't being able to catch up because I was heartbroken, messed up, shattered and crumpled over being so terribly betrayed. I had no idea what was going to happen to me-to us, what torture and punishment for planned for us.

The chains were cutting in on the skin of my hand, rubbing against my skin. I felt desperate for a glass of water, a morsel. The tension was going as I sniffed at even the mere thought of Kivanc being harsh to me.

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