15: His Girl

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-If you want the key to my heart...

...you have to be my man-

(note: there will be a lot of change in POVs in this part of the story)


Taking off his bandana, Kivanc smiled in a rather thrilled manner and breathed in a warm feeling. He looked at himself in the mirror, looking so relaxed and excited, and headed out. 

Days had changed. Something powerful had happened to his heart. Riding on his heavy bike, he was even whistling as he eyed the world seemingly picking up the change in his aura...looking like they were in on his feelings. Everything seemed so alive. The colours, the warmth...the world around him had changed in a blink of an eye. 

He was in love. He wanted to shout it out to the joy...embrace his own self and have everyone listen to the fluttering sighs of his heart. Everyone needed to know this. At the restaurant, his good mood was so obvious to notice. 

Everywhere she went, he would subtly follow. His heart...his soul...they would flow after her with a completely awestruck expression. He was calmer, even kinder, towards the customers now. Marina had given him weird looks when he didn't lash back when a customer went on at him for dropping the dessert tray. 

He would smile...even laugh, and it was such a wholesome feeling. Everyone had noticed this change, except her. Typical. There was a click in his feet nowadays as he walked.

Purposely, he would tower over her, hide smiles as she would back away from him with a weird look. It was like she was the light that kept on brightening his day. The gleam in her eyes...he was almost surprised why he had not noticed it before. 

This woman...she was a beauty. 

His soul had picked on this potential when he decided to spare her back when she slapped him. Now he felt like offering his second cheek, just to earn her heart. 

These emotions he felt...these were pure and sincere emotions. 

He took better care of himself now. The low hums of happiness seemed like celebrating his success...him finding such love in the midst of all the darkness that had always surrounded him. He didn't deserve this, but he had been offered mercy. 

Sweet scents were visible in the air. He would get lost in his thoughts ever so often...chuckle when he would stare at Lina and watch her being so oblivious to holding his heart now. 

He had to impress her.

 Somehow, he had to make her feel what he felt for her.


Work was a bit relaxing now. Dania, Alizeh, Hania...our little coffee party had really changed the dynamics of our work relationship. They were all calmer towards me now...even inclusive and tried to keep me prominent in discussing. Kivanc seemed a bit franker now. Literally, one time, Marina asked me to give him a basket full of vegetables. I walked up to him with a basket, but when I pushed it towards him to grab it, he seemed lost somewhere, giving me these absolutely blank expressions with a small smile being suppressed. 


It was so frustrating!

I had refrained from eye-rolling and patiently waited for him to grab my basket. Anyhow, now cutting the vegetables, I was lost thinking about Feri's call from last night. She had called me sobbing, wanting me to tell her a story. Mehdi had been behind trying to calm her down, yet she wanted to come to me. She wanted to cuddle with me. She wanted her mom. The feeling of having failed my princess was crushing. 

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