17: Two HeartBroken Souls

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-The way you twirled my world...

-I was a terrible man...you made me feel like I had a chance-


'She is a single mother'

'Her husband married another'

'I was thinking that this man doesn't deserve having his wife and child as my property. Let's give his pride to our guards'

He had broken her. The woman he had so suddenly...so immensely grown obsessed with...the one who had him smiling for real...he had been her ruination. He had been so consumed by the darkness in his heart that even the slight echo of light inside it had turned out to be already damaged by his reality. 

He had grown to cruelly accept the coldness of his heart and had never really bothered with the repercussion of his actions. Brutality, terror...they had become part of his nature along time ago. Never before had he felt deep intense guilt for destroying another family. His father had him take part in so many cold-blooded chores, and he simply did the deadly deeds without a show of sympathy, considered all those, who messed with this side of the Mafia, weak. Today, he wasn't really feeling very strong

Speeding down the heavy streets of the dark areas of his town, where people were involved in deadly illegal activities, he was trying to mellow down his feeling by the rush of the wind harshly drinking away the depth of his sorrows.

She was so tender...innocent. Her entire aura was so feeble, vulnerable and heartwarming, and he was the reason behind her ruined heart. The pain...everything...the hidden sorrow echoing in the deep warmth of her sweet gaze, he had allowed his darkness to ruin a beautiful family. The ache of it was huge. 

He couldn't cry because he just didn't know how... 

His shoulders would shift, heart felt heavy with a deep ache and disappointment, but the only way he could express himself was by firmly clenching his jaws...

Tears are for the privileged class. Not many people can afford them. Not many people can allow themselves to feel the weight of vulnerability. 

Lina's first husband...Kivanc hated that man so much. He still couldn't believe that he was the same man that had been acting as his father's slave...the same man whom he had beaten up. The frustration of it all...the fuming anger...just thinking about that man had Kivanc wanting to beat him up again.

He hated him so much. 

That man had been so weak...so stupid...and so foolish to have his wife and child go through much. He had married another? Kivanc had no clue how a man could be so weak and powerless enough to break the heart of someone like Lina...to drag her into such a heinous world. It was all that man's fault; he had dragged Lina into this mess. He had been the reason that the Mafia King was now interested in having Lina and Feri as prisoners. Such cowardly and stupidity fumed Kivanc so much. 

He wanted to grab that man by his collar and thrash him for foolishly daring to drag sweetest Lina and her tiny princess into this harsh world...forcing her to deal with men such as himself! The street around him was filled with the smell of dirty smoke and heavy trash. Bikes were parked in random corners, men eyeing him and judging that no coins could be stolen from this man. Theft, poverty, trade...everything happened here. 

Parking his bike near an old building, with energized hoots echoing from inside it and several cars parked outside, Kivanc took a deep breath in and pressed his curled fists in determination. Street fighting...an act that his father had always deemed unclassy for him. But today, he was just in the mood to punch out his anger. He knew he would need this brutality to remind him that his heart was just too dark and dangerous to be loved...that it was better if he stopped fooling himself by liking a sweet Lina who had a fierce conscience because she was going to hate him. anyways, now. 

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