13: Feri, Cuteness and New Emotions

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-When falling was easy for broken hearts


The Next Morning. 

Mehdi had some work to do, and since Zeba was sick, Feri was to spend the day with me today. I couldn't really skip work, so I had called Marina to ask if Feri could come to work with me today. She was more than overjoyed. In fact, she even offered to send a car to pick me up and later on have me dropped at home. With a little child by my side, the alleys and the food street were not safe enough for me to walk through. I was still vulnerable and awkward.

Grateful, I accepted Marina's offer. Having Feri by my side always put me in a tremendous mood. Having spent days without her, I would spoil her...pinch her cheeks all the time...refuse to stop hugging her. 

My baby...my love, she was growing up to fast. I had been missing so many bits of her life. It was usually on weekends or the evenings of weekdays when I got to meet her because of her school. I couldn't really visit Mehdi's house now, and I couldn't stay with my baby at the apartment bought for our visits because I now knew that this would add more to Mehdi's financial crisis. The added electricity bills, gas and water bills...he had to borrow more for us, and I had no right to make him do so.

Now having Feri squeeze on to the furry pink cushion I had brought for her, I grabbed her hand and had her hop out of the car that was sent to pick us up from the apartment. She had been intrigued by the strange streets we had driven through. She had especially adored the colourful pieces of fabric displayed by Madam's Sheila's shop. My daughter was so innocent and oblivious to the darkness lingering in these streets. I prayed that she never in her life got to learn about these realities.

My baby...I would protect her!

Smiling as she started swinging our joined hands, I walked up to the entrance of the restaurant and pushed its door open. There were some customers sitting around...Dania working on the main counter, Hania taking orders and Alizeh looking bored in one corner.

Hesitantly, I pulled along Feri as I stepped inside the restaurant.

Dania's gaze trailed towards me. She seemed surprised at the sight of Feri shyly sticking to my legs.

"Aww...who is this cutie pie?" Literally abandoning the customers who seemed so annoyed, Hania rushed towards me and lowered down on her knees, holding her hand out to Feri. I was glad to see her smiling again.

"This is my daughter, Feri," I introduced, patting Feri's hair and slightly pushing her to come forward, yet my shy baby only pressed her face against my legs.

"She is so cute. Aww, look at those chubby cheeks, dimpled hands..." Hania began pinching Feri's cheeks, earning a few shy whines from her. Alizeh had taken over the order shift now. She seemed like she wanted to come and meet Feri, too, but knew that someone had to carry on with the job.

"Thank you. Let me go and introduce her to Marina now," I smiled, causing Hania to jump up and beam.


I walked around the counter, ignoring Dania staring curiously at me, and stepped inside the kitchen. Only Marina was inside.

"Marina," I called her out. "I would like you to meet my baby Feri."

To say Marina was overjoyed would be an understatement. She literally gushed over my daughter and presented her with a jar full of candies and cookies as a gift. Feri was literally offered to take anything from the dessert fridge free of cost. I was so awed by this gesture.

After settling down, Marina demanded that I should go back home and spend a relaxing day with my daughter. She claimed that she had only wanted me to come in today because she wanted to meet Feri. Yet, I refused her offer. I couldn't take advantage of Marina's kindness. I needed to earn my money. So, much to my persistence, Marina gave in and assured me that Hania could take care of my daughter while I worked as her morning shift was just about to end. I couldn't help but feel so grateful. 

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