The crack

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"Hyung!" whispered Jungkook
"No no no i can explain it's not.." said Taehyung as he tried to get up from the bed.
How can he explain this, he was basically naked on the bed with Jimin as the latter's head was between his legs when Jungkook opened the door, they all know there is no "straight explanation" for this.
Taehyung jumped out of bed to get dressed real quick and left the room on running without saying a word. He was too embarrassed to even look at youngest's eyes.
"Listen it's not like what you s-" said Jimin as he was walking closer to his shocked friend.
Jungkook took a few step back "don't talk to me, you make me sick" he said and stormed out of the house running as fast as he can.
"Jungkook, jungkook, no wait please !" yelled Jimin before broking down crying his heart out, he ruined everything they had, he lost his friends probably forever.

Jungkook arrived at a nearby park, his tears kept flowing, he throwed himself to the grass while sobbing and screaming loud. He could not believe the two people he loved the most lied to him they have been hiding what is going on between them all these years. And Jimin he was into guys after all, but he was into Taehyung not himself. He felt so hurt, so dumb, so sad, but also so angry, he will not forgive them ever.

At Jungkook's house:

" where have you been? Jimin called asking about you, you told me you will be going to his house. What is wrong with your eyes? Are you crying? Jungkook I'm talking to you, what's wro-" asked the youngest's mother as she saw her son entering the house pretty late that evening.
"Mom, please not now just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to anyone and most of all that fucker " yelled Jungkook on his way to his room locking himself inside.

At Taehyung's house:

"Taehyung, dinner is ready! " yelled tae's mom
"Oh that's weird he heard the word dinner, and he didn't run to the table" said tae's brother while laughing.

- The doorbell ringing –

"Hi, is Taehyung here? " said Jimin
"Yeah, he is in his room. Are you okay hyung? " said Taehyung's brother
Jimin walked inside the house heading to his friend's room, ignoring the younger's question, leaving everyone around the dinner's table surprised.

"Open the door" said Jimin while knocking tae's room door
"Open the damn door Taehyung! You know we will not solve this by hiding, it's now or never otherwise we will lose him and each other forever now for the sake of our friendship open the fucking door before I smashed! And you know very well I mean my words!" Whispered- yelled Jimin.

- Heavy silence and then tae opened the door-

"Let's go" said Jimin as he grabbed tae's hand dragging him outside the house.
"Guys is everything okay? What happened?" asked tae's mom with worried face.
"Nothing don't worry, we just need to talk" replied Jimin.
"LET ME GO, I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!" Yelled tae as he was trying to set himself free.

Jimin didn't let go of tae's arm, he was literally dragging him, three minutes and they were in front of Jungkook's house.
"We need to explain everything to him, let's go" said Jimin
Tae stopped him "I can't face him.... he probably thinks we are fucking homo"
"Homo! Yes, I am gay and I'm proud, why are talking like that! it's a sexual orientation not a sin" said Jimin
"I'm not saying it's a sin, you have my full support and you fucking know that and because of that here we are losing our friend, I'm just saying I'm not gay and you know that very well! " Yelled tae.
"But he is."
"He, who? JUNGKOOK?!"
"How did you know? He told you. Did you sleep with him? So, this is a cheating matter!! So, I am the dumb sheep between you two! "
"No, are you fucking crazy ?! it's ... remember last month when we gathered at Jungkook's house, the day we went playing bowling? "
" No when was that?"
" The day when you had to wake up early and prepare breakfast for us because you lost at the game? "
" ah I remembered, what happened that day?"
"Well that day, me and Jungkook were waiting for you and suddenly he kissed me and confessed his feelings for me"
" what!! And did you sleep together? Why you didn't tell me back then?"
"No, are you stupid! I did not touch him, I was so afraid, I didn't want to give him false hope, I might hurt his feelings later so I told him I'm straight, I didn't tell you because I told him I will pretend like nothing happened and that's it, I was planning to tell you and... whatever that's not important now "
"My god is this a drama!? Listen I'm out, go tell him that you're sorry about lying and that's it"
" Are you kidding me !? is it that simple to you! You're throwing me under the bus!? He caught US okay US!"
" yeah sure I raped you mister straight and you didn't enjoy it!? Did you? "
" I did not! yes, I did not! I am fucking straight, we were watching porn, I was aroused, you took the golden opportunity to get what you wanted, you proposed to jerk me off, I refused you insisted on "friendly help" that is it, it is not my problem that you love me "
" what!! Love you! who? me?! You are so full of yourself I feel sexually attracted to you, that is the difference, I get what I want end of the story, I never fell in love you know that very well"
"Oh my god! You are such a piece of shit"
"Thank you for the compliment, now let's go."

Jimin ring jk's doorbell

" Hi auntie, how are you? Is Jungkook here? " asked Jimin
"Hi auntie" said tae
"I think something is wrong with him, glad you're here guys, he is in his room"
"Thank you" said Jimin
They arrived in front of the youngest's door, after they exchanged looks, Tae opened Jungkook's door room. The latter was laying on his bed, his face buried in his pillows.
"Mom leave me alone I don't want to eat, please leave" said Jungkook without lifting his head of the pillows.
"Jungkook it's us" whispered tae just enough for the youngest to hear him.
Jungkook jumped out of his bed, his eyes spitting fire as he saw tae and jimin entering his room.
"Calm down I totally understand how you feel, we're here to explain everything to you plea-" Said Jimin as he tried moving closer to the youngest.
"Please Jungkook, really there is a misunderstanding it's not what you think it is let's calm down and talk please" said Taehyung.

Jungkook took a few steps toward the two. He got so close to Taehyung's face " A misunderstanding, so that's what you come up with! Oh, right it's Jungkook he'll believe us no matter what we'll say, he's our little dumb toy AM I WRONG!!" Said Jungkook as he was looking straight at Taehyung's eyes, his expressions were cold.
"Why are you saying that!? we never thought you're dumb please trust me what happened is-" said Taehyung while trying to control his anger.
" Hey don't you see what's happening in here, I don't want to hear anything from you, get out of my house right now and take your little bitch with you" said Jungkook glaring at Jimin.
Jimin can't take it anymore, he was sitting there watching them boiling with anger, how can Jungkook be so mean without understanding the matter, he grabbed the youngest's neck and said "listen enough ! We are trying to understand your feelings, but you are really crossing the line, this your last chance will you sit down and zip that fucking mouth up to hear us out? " asked Jimin.
Suddenly Jungkook start laughing, surprising both of his hyung.
"Are you laughing right now! What's wrong with this psycho?!" Said tae.
Jungkook pulled Jimin's hand of him and got closer to the elder's ear "Jimin I have one request, please make sure to always satisfy Taehyung, he's been always looking for good whores".
Taehyung come forward and slapped the youngest's face " Later when the destiny gives you the chance to cross paths with us, I really hope you don't regret what you did today"
Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand and head out.

"Jimin, Taehyung please can someone explain to me what happened? " said Jungkook's mother as she saw the boys opening the front door ready to get out.
" Auntie, I hope you stay healthy and I will miss your delicious meals, we are leaving in two days for the university" said Taehyung. Jimin looked at him clearly surprised by the news.
"Oh, already but it's still summer break" said Jungkook's mom with worried face.
"Yeah but we'd like to get used to the city before class start, you know you can't get to know Seoul very quick" said Taehyung.
"Oh right but-"
"Goodbye Auntie" said Taehyung dragging Jimin out.
"Goodbye Auntie" said Jimin.
"Goodbye guys..." said Jungkook's mother.

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