The reunite

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"Let's go" said Jungkook as he was getting up.

"Oh the driver is already here" asked Jimin innocently.

"No, but we can wait for him outside" said jungkook with serious tone leaving no space to argue.

"We can wai-"

"No, get your jacket on please and let's go"

"Jungkook are you okay ? you were just fine a while ago" asked Jimin.

"Can't you see all the horny dicks around you, i can't stand them anymore, and i'm not in the mood to send anyone to the hospital"

Jimin was surprised by the younger's words yet he loved the whole moment, he loved Jungkook's possessiveness and he didn't know why. His whole body want to just obey the younger.

The two went out, standing next to each, waiting for the driver, Jungkook looked like he's about to kill someone.

" I'm sorry i made you uncomfortable, i get used to it but i always forget how uncomfortable can it be to people next me" said Jimin trying to confort Jk.

"Used to it! Are you kidding me !! you should sue them, horny bastards they're clearly raping you with their eyes, how can you get used to that !" Almost yelled Jungkook extremely annoyed.

Jimin let out a little laugh and said " suing them for just looking at me, you're so cute"

Jungkook looked at his hyung admiring his beautiful smile but then he get himself together and said" i'm not the high schooler you used to know, i'm a full grown man now, stop treating me like a kid, i'm not cute"

Jimin's heart skipped a beat, seeing Jungkook's body. The youngest is right, now Jk is taller than him, he looked very muscular, his shoulders are wider, his jawline is sharp. Jimin looked so tiny next to him. Realizing the fact, a little blush rested on Jimin's cheeks.

"Hoseok sumbenim is right I'm weird tonight" whispered Jimin to himself.
" hyung! Jimin hyung ! let's go" yelled jk pulling Jimin out of his thoughts.

The next morning

Jimin was lost in his thoughts.

"Is everything alright ? " asked tae.

"Don't worry, i'm fine just i have some questions i thought maybe you can find me some answers" said Jimin.

"About the lesson?"

"No, let's say heart questions"

"Do i look like a doctor to you? Is it serious ? "

Jimin sighted "sometimes i wonder how did i deal with your intelligence all this years ! I need a Nobel prize for my efforts "

"What! Whatever!"

They both get quite as the teacher started the lesson.

During the lunch break

Tae and Jimin were eating their lunch quietly.
"Hey, i have a question,when people are looking at me when we walk together, or eat together or whatever how do you feel?" Asked jimin while passing half of his lunch to his best friend.

"Hein? What do you mean?"said tae as he was chewing his food.

"I mean, for example now see all the men looking at me how do you feel? asked Jimin

"What's wrong with you today? you never cared about them. For me i feel annoyed obviously." said Tae while looking around to see all the people fixing his best friend.

"oh so it's a normal reaction, nothing special" whispered Jimin to himself feeling a little bit dissapointed. " why you feel annoyed? You're jealous because they're looking at me ? With lust? " asked Jimin full of anticipation.

"Are you kidding me?! jealousy? " tae laughed and he continued "of course no, you know i hate to be the center of attention and when i'm with you people are looking at you and assuming things i feel like i'm the center of attention too and i don't like it, plus i don't think they're looking at you with lust they're just looking you know"

" really?! thank you taetae" said jimin with a huge smile on his face.

tae looked confused by the sudden reaction of jimin " what's wrong with you ? you never asked such a question"

" i don't know, listen imagine we're together at a bar, and you saw people looking at me how will you react? you wanna leave the bar beacause you're so annoyed?"

"why would i leave ? this is an exaggeration, you're not my girlfriend" said tae

" so you wanna say in that situation only a boyfriend get jealous over his partner and decide to leave the bar?"

" i think so, well at least me i'll garb my girlfriend's hand and leave the bar out of jealousy before i kill them "

jimin's face got brighter and smile widely to his bestfriend " tae i love you"

"i don't, i'm sorry" said tae teasing jimin.

later that afternoon

"i'm so tired, i wanna go home and sleep" said tae while stretching.

"no, let go get coffee first" said jimin while looking at his phone.

"coffee! now ! no thank you"

"i need to talk to you about something very serious"

"okay, i'm listenning"

"no let's go to the cafeteria" said jimin dragging tae with him.

At the cafeteria


jimin ignored his surpised best friend and keep walking toward jk's table. Tae followed jimin extremely surprised.


"hi jungkook, sorry we're late, we just got out of class" said jimin while taking a sit in front of jk

"it's okay hyung, i just got here anyway.... hi tae hyung"

"what's this ? a prank ? what's going on in here" said tae very confused.

"sit down first" said jimin.

Jimin explained to tae how he met jk yesterday and the conversation they had. Jk apologize to tae and tae felt guilty he apologized for what he did too. Everything is settled now. The three felt the need to celebrate this day, and tae want to catch up with jungkook as he missed his little brother. Jk suggested to go to his house, and the other two agreed.

At jk's house

"Oh jeon jungkook, i think i'll move in here" said tae when he saw all the video games consoles, the huge computer and big screens that jk has.
"Hyung we need to play a game" said jk as he turned on the huge computer.
"Yasss, cool" said tae very excited.
Jimin looked at them, feeling extremely happy. Even After years of no talk, their friendship is still going strong. That's a relief.
Tae and jk kept playing video games, drinking and eating. Jimin was cheering for them, they were laughing like little kids.
"Tae Hyung only drank one bottle of suju but look at him" said jk while covering the sleeping tae with a small blanket.
"Yes, he's not good with alcohol "said jimin as he was finishing his second bottle.
"Hyung are you okay?"
"Don't worry, i'm a little bit tipsy but i'm fine" said jimin pulling his hair back.
Jk was observing the beauty of his hyung, feeling that he may not be able to control himself anymore as the alcohol started hitting him.
"Hyung, do you have a boyfriend? " asked jk breaking the silence.
"I think you already know the answer, don't you ?"

I'm so thankful to every single person who read my story, even tho i'm an amateur but I'm trying my best. Please feel free to leave me comments.
Get ready for what's coming next. 🤫😁😁

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