"He has all of me already"

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At the hospital
"Hi" said jimin to the boss sister
"Hi jimin- shi right?!"
"Yes and this is jungkook how's boss?"
"The doctor said he's fine they're putting him to sleep so that he doesn't feel the pain but nothing serious, hoseok-shi explained to me what happened"
Jimin face turned yellow as he opened his mouth to ask for details she continued. " he said my brother insulted one of his clients and this one punched him, but in order to not make things worst you guys told me that he fell from the stairs, don't worry i understand, in fact it's up to my brother when he wakes up, he will decide what to do. As long as he has no serious injuries it's okay for me"
Jimin sighted and said" I'm sorry for lying to you but i'm glad he has nothing serious, is hoseok Sumbenim here ?"
"Yeah he come earlier he said he'll go buy a coffee, you'll probably find him in the hospital's cafeteria"
"Thank you, and stay strong thanks god he's fine" replied jimin
Jungkook just smiled at her, guilt burning him up, and they want to the cafeteria.
"Oh here he is" said jungkook
"Sumbenim!" Said jimin as he walked toward hoseok who was sitting down sipping his coffee.
"Let me go! save your hugs for your psychopath, who knows he might kill me for touching you!" Said hoseok pushing jimin who tried to hug him.
Jimin looked at jungkook who was clinching his jaw.
" fine! okay! I did a big mistake, i went too far away whatever you want to do i'll accept it, i deserve it! Thank you for not throwing me under the bus but if you decide to do i'm ready to take a full responsibility of my acts. But i don't think in my place you'll react any better when you hears someone insulting the love of your life in front of you, i deserve whatever you want to put me through but hyung! jimin didn't do anything!" Said jungkook and then looked at jimin " i'll wait for you in the car" and he left them there.
"Jimin did he just called me hyung" asked hoseok surprised.
Jimin let out a sigh " ah sumbenin you scared me i thought you'll go after him to punch him in the face!"
Hoseok smiled at jimin but quickly put on a fake angry face " listen you park jimin ! It's over between us, first of all you lied to me about you and him and hide it from me, then your beast crazy boyfriend almost killed my boss, i lied in order to protect you and him can you imagine if the boss decided to sue him, they'll find out i lied and i'll get to jail i even lied to the doctor can you imagine?!"
"I love you so much hyung!" Said jimin hugging hoseok so tight
"Hyung .. " said hoseok surprised and quickly put on a sassy attitude " what now are you trying to cheat on him with me! Trying to get me killed maybe! And i'm sorry i don't have any feelings for you"
"Hyung" whined jimin " stop saying that, i'm sorry i hided my relationship from you but i swear i didn't wanna accept it at first you know i've never been in a serious relationship and i was denying my feelings for him for a long time, i'm sorry for everything my boyfriend did, i'll make sure, he apologize properly to you and to boss so that you won't face any problem okay"
" ya! Make him apologize! You're properly daydreaming! Did you see him! He'll never ever ever apologize to boss, i'm pretty sure he'll kill him if he saw him again, did you forget when he was beating him! His eyes were burning red, he broke boss into pieces with his bare hands! if he didn't saw you crying, we would be probably having this conversation in boss' funereal ! Are you aware of what are you saying! "
Jimin put on a proud smirk and took a seat next to hoseok and said " and i think you forget who's park jimin"
Hoseok sighted " you know what, i wish you hell both of you"
Jimin smiled and said " listen hyung, the most important thing is that boss is not dead, don't worry i'll solve everything but can i ask you something?"
"Oh yeah sure! After putting my life in threat why should i refuse your request"
"Don't be mad at jungkook, he's so delicate and you can easily bless him and he admires you, please be soft with him for me"
"Who's delicate ? That beast ?"
Jimin cut him off "hyung stop calling him beast, he's a normal human being just he did a lot of boxing and some martial arts anyways hyung please"
Hoseok sighted " make sure you'll resolve this shit and then i'll see, and stop calling me hyung tell him not to call me hyung too, you're making me... soft for you"
"I love you hyung" said jimin as he throw himself to hoseok, he continued " please call me when the boss wakes up, i need to go now, he's waiting for me bye hyung"
Hoseok smiled and said as he saw jimin walking away " jimin give him all the love that you suppressed for all this years, he's the only one who deserves you"
"hyung, he has all of me already, thank you" said jimin and walked to the parking lot.
In the car
Jimin was all smiles as he opened the car's door and sit down. He looked at the sad expression of jungkook and kissed him very strongly.
"Hyung what's wrong! " said jungkook surprised by the sudden kiss.
" i Park jimin declaring Jeon jungkook as my first and last boyfriend"
Jungkook smiled and said" what's that ? Are you okay ? What happened with hoseok hyung?"
Jimin giggled and said " tell me first do you accept me as your boyfriend?"
"Hyung are you okay ?!"
"Are you rejecting me !?"
"No no shit no i accept of course but that was very weird and sudden I'm surprised"
"Good! I thought you're rejecting me, so for history fact i asked you out not you"
" Excuse me! i loved you my entire life and you're taking credits just for taking a second to ask the question! I Asked you out too many times before i just didn't put it into a question"
" you asked me before!? When was that you never did!"
"I did too many times remember when we had sex the first time, you were complaining about all the hickeys that i gave you, and i told you that means you belongs to someone, i asked you out first"
"Bullshit, that doesn't count, that time i was not sure about my feelings i asked you out first that's it end of the story"
Jungkook sighted and caressed his hyung cheek " as long as you belong to me i don't care who asked first"
Jimin's cheeks turned into light red and said" stop with your cheesy romantic words"
"I love it when you get shy"
"I'm not shy, i'm just... anyways hoseok hyung is not angry, i just need to solve this pretty soon so that he doesn't get into trouble for lying"
"What do you mean solve everything?"

———————————————————————————hey guys sorry guys like always i didn't post anything for a long time but i was extremely busy sorry 🥺🥺 BUT i'm back and i promise this time i'll finish this story quickly and i'll update more regularly.
Also, i have an idea of another story, i hope you'll like it.
Guys i'll be very happy to see your comments so please leave me some feedback 🥺

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