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"PARK JIMIN !!!" Yelled jungkook as he stopped the car suddenly.
"Ya it's hyung ! What's wrong with you ! You did wrong you need to apologize!!" Yelled jimin
"He took what he deserved, did you forget what he said how can you told me to apologize to that bastard, no fucking way if he want to sue me it's okay but i'll never apologize to that piece of shit do you understand! " said jungkook very annoyed.
"Did you think of me ?!" Said jimin with a cute sad face that he knows using that expression will make jungkook do anything he wants.
Jungkook immediately calmed down and asked  " what do you mean?"
"If you want to jail how can i live without you, without your cute bunny smile, without your big doe eyes, without your kisses" said jimin as his hand travel from jungkook's lips to his chest to his thighs he continued " without your touch, without your presence, i love you do you understand this, i can't let him hurt you, please jungkook"
Jungkook melt with jimin's little hand roaming around his body " i love you too and i'll go to hell if you want me to but baby you know what he did i can't just go there and apologize baby please.." replied jungkook as he hold jimin's hand so tight.
"I know, i understand but listen i can't let him sue you i can't i just can't please I'm begging you he took more than enough so please just an apology it'll prevent us from a lot of shit and think of hoseok hyung do it for him baby please"
Jungkook sighted as he run a hand over his hair " i will never win against you having this expression and your little hand on my chest" said the youngest as he leaned closer to kiss jimin's lips.
The older's face immediately turned brighter with his beautiful smile. "Thank you, when he wakes up we go and do it quickly and you'll have the best award that night" said jimin as he landed his hand on jungkook's clothed dick.
Jungkook smiled " stop you're turning me on, but i need a huge award after that"
" definitely something we never tried before, i'll get you to heaven don't worry" said jimin smirking as he put his head on the youngest shoulder.

Next day
"All this happened and you didn't tell me anything why are you calling me your best friend, i'm not! you forget about me since the first day you met jungkook" said tae with an angry tone.
"Someone is jealous" said jimin as leaned closer to tae
"Jealous my ass I'm telling you facts" said tae as he rolled his eyes.
Jimin got closer to his bestfriend and rested his head on taehyung's shoulder as he was hugging him so tight and rubbing his head against his best friend's neck " tae tae why are like this i'm so sorry it's just happened so fast that i didn't get a chance to tell you anything, you know that i can't live without you right" said jimin
"Let me ! ya ! let me go" said tae
"Did you say i can't live without you to every person you meet?" Said jungkook while looking at jimin with eyes burning with jealousy.
Tae and jimin looked at him clearly confused and then jimin understand what the youngest meant, he detached himself from tae and walked closer to the youngest and kissed him " is my big boy jealous?"
"Ewww ewww ewww ewwwww not in front of me eww" said tae faking a throwing up
Jungkook was just glaring at his hyung. Jimin rolled his eyes " Guys you need to work this out. There is only one jimin and two of you so " said jimin jokingly
"What!?" Exclaimed both jungkook and tae
"I'm kidding what's wrong with that expression, tae you're my best friend no one will replace you even jungkook i love you and you jungkook you're the love of my life no one will be at your place even tae tae can't be and i love you, so tae you need to stop doubting me as your best friend and your soulmate and you jungkook stop with that possessiveness tae is my best friend i love him so much as a friend so guys since we'll be together forever you should understand this okay?!" Said jimin
Tae and jungkook both smiled at each other, jimin hugged both of them.
"Okay so now enough drama we have another problem so like jungkook said seokjin hyung does not want to go back home because he doesn't wanna meet namjoon hyung but i think they both still love each and we need to just put them in front of each other to talk their feelings, jungkook trust me you'll never regret this it's the best thing you'll do for your hyung and you tae we need your help so here what we will do"
Next morning
" thank you hyung, we will be there in 20 minutes" said jimin to hoseok on the phone.
"Baby let's go he's awake and visibly fine so sooner better then latter let's go"
"Jimin ahh i don't wanna go fuck " said jungkook slightly annoyed
"Baby i love you remember the award after and it's jimin hyung HYUNG" said jimin passing a hand over jungkook's bare chest
"Okay JIMIN" said jungkook as he leaned to kiss his hyung.
At the hospital
"Oh jimin i'm really amused ! now i believe that no one can refuse your request, i can't believe the beast is here to apologize" said hoseok
" hyung stop calling him that !" Exclaimed jimin
Jungkook just glared at him clearly getting angry from this whole situation. " jungkook please even if he said something just ignored please" said jimin
Jungkook just sighted annoyed.
"For god sake jimin he's billion time hotter when he's angry" whispered hoseok to jimin
"Hyung stop it" said jimin as he knocked on the boss's door.
They entered the room and their eyes met the boss'
An awkward heavy silence settled on the room.
"Umm actual-" jimin said before he was cut but the boss.
"I'm sorry" said the boss
"Hein?!" Exclaimed both jimin and hoseok, jungkook finally looked up to meet the boss eyes.
"Jungkook I'm sorry for what i said, and i can guess why you're here don't apologize i did insult your love and i deserve what i get, i heard the story that you guys told to my sister and i confirmed that to the doctor, i hope you'll live a happy life together"
Hoseok and jimin looked at each other, jungkook looked at the boss and said " even if you decided to sue me i'm ready to face it, i will not thank you for deciding not to, but I'm sorry for what i did and you're right you definitely deserve it, you should be thankful for your life if jimin hyung didn't stop me you must be already in hell now, so i hope we'll never meet again, i'm paying the hospital bills"
Jungkook grabbed jimin's hand and head out. They both walked to the hospital's administration, jungkook payed the hospital and they headed to the car.
"Jungkook i-"
"Hyung i don't wanna talk about this story anymore it's over and i did apologize just" jungkook stop talking for a minute " to get my award" he continued.
"Babyyy" whined jimin as he throw himself on jungkook.
Aware that the story is getting boring but we're very close to the end. It's a light, traditional romantic story so it does not have many ups and downs.
I'm currently writing another story, this one will have more events, and i'll try my best to write it well, i don't know when i'll start publishing it,so please stay tuned, i'll not disappoint guys.
Any feedback?

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