Chapter 7

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                Grandma's presence was causing tension and unnecessary stress and for a woman of her supposed class, she was acting really local and mum was having a bad time.


         I  was working on an assignment  Mrs Ibeh had brought earlier when mum barged in. I was used to it now because since grandma came , it had  been one trouble after the other and mum always came to me in the hospital when grandma started her madness.  But this time, mum was in tears as she entered . I greeted her and she responded with a nod and ran into the en suite bathroom  and stayed there.  I heard  sobs coming from her and I was really worried, mum was hardly the one to cry when she was angry. She'd rather trash whoever annoyed her with insults and a warning.  Mum could be anything when she was angry and her anger was what anybody who knew her avoided because getting mum angry was like dipping one's hand inside fire.  But despite this,  she hardly cried when she was angry.

         I  dropped the assignment and limped to meet her in the bathroom. I opened the door and found her in crying badly. Her eyes were red and full of tears and her face was pale. She was standing in a corner in the small bathroom and when I went to her , I hugged her and she let me. I hugged her as tight as I could and since I was as tall as she was,  she rested her head on my shoulder and cried it out. I had  never seen this side of her before "Jasmine, I'm sorry" she said  as soon as she regained composure "Mum , what for? " I asked her. She didn't answer rather she freed herself from my grip and said we go back to the room. Once we were settled with both of us on the bed , she began to speak "You know I gave birth to you before your father and I got married right? " I nodded. I was eight years old when my parents got married.  Mum and I lived with mum's parents and siblings until they got married . What did that have to do with anything?  I already knew the story,  mum got pregnant for dad when they were both  16 and in their final year of secondary school and they both decided to get married after they had finished university which they did and after the marriage, both of them furthered their education to their masters level.  So what was new?  "I think you should know the whole story " mum said " There's more? " I asked mum and she nodded . I decided to let her speak,  maybe I could find out why dad went so cold " Your father and I were friends from primary school and the friendship lasted for a long time, our parents knew each other and our families were close. We were in SS2 when he suddenly changed. He began to follow the big boys. He had his way with so many girls in school, you could find him with one girl for a week and another the next. Since he was easily the most handsome boy in school back then, it wasn't hard for girls to fall for him " a wistful smile played on mum's lips as she reminisced "but we were still good friends and I never held his new habits against him. Believe me when I say I was foolish to do that. I believed he won't do to me  what he did to others , I believed we were like siblings and he would respect that." Mum paused and wiped a tear. I knew this was very hard for her but I wanted her to continue, I wanted to know what happened  "My mum heard about Michael's new behaviour and warned me about him but I shrugged it off, saying Michael respected me and saw me as a sister. My siblings warned me also but I insisted. I kept on studying with him like old times but my mother had stopped me from going to his house alone and I agreed to that but one day, he didn't come to school and when I asked his friends, they said he was sick so when I got home, his mother called my mum asking her to let me take notes to Michael.  My mum reluctantly agreed to that because none of my siblings were around to go with me. When I got there, we both sat together with his mother but along the line, she got a call and needed to go out. None of Michael's  siblings were alone so we were home alone.  He offered me a drink and obviously, I  took it " She stopped and sighed , obviously fighting tears. I could see where this was going. Dad raped mum, he took advantage of her trust. I let her continue when she was ready "He spiked the drink, raped me and called Felix,  my brother to pick me up and told him I said I was drowsy and fainted. Before Felix and I got home,  I woke up and was feeling sore. Felix told me what Michael had told him and I said it was true that I was drowsy. I put two and two together and realised what Michael had done. He took me for a fool. He played me but I couldn't tell anyone, I didn't want anyone to tell me they were right so I kept quiet. I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone that I had lost my virginity to a man whore, I felt guilty, I felt I finished myself. I cut off all ties to Michael especially when I realised he wasn't remorseful. It was just sex, I lost nothing,  just my virginity. Imagine my shock,  the grief, the heartbreak, the pain.  I was still trying to get over the experience when I found out I was pregnant. I tried suicide but the pharmacist I went to gave me sleeping pills instead and told my parents what I wanted to buy from him. I had no choice but to tell them. They were angry at Michael, and went to confront his parents but his mother denied it and said I was just a whore trying to trap her son with my unwanted pregnancy. That was the beginning of rivalry between both our families . I was able to write my final exams before the pregnancy became obvious but I couldn't go to University that year. Michael later spread the news to the whole school that I was pregnant and I became a laughing stock. On our graduation day, he was awarded the best graduating student while I was publicly disgraced and flogged. The principal flogged me until my mother came to where we were,  took the cane from him, slapped him and then disgraced him and called him names. My siblings especially Anne and Felix had done a thorough investigation on Michael and we're able to get some girls Michael had slept with to confess and they did that day but the school said my family was just desperate so shame could be wiped off our faces. But we all knew that was a big lie because everyone even his family knew what he had done. I gave birth to you later that year and I was unexplainably happy when I held you that first time. Mum was scared I would spoil you but then she ended up being the one spoiling you more. I loved you because when others looked down on me, I knew I had you looking up to me. Your smile and baby noise was enough to keep me happy all day. My parents were not necessarily very rich but we were comfortable.  My father had a farm apart from his day job and my mother did so many things. Soon after you were born,  my parents had built a new house, the one they currently stay in and we moved in. I got into school , finished and I was done with NYSC and was working when Michael came begging.  It took me some time to even hear him out before we began building our relationship again. My entire family was against it but I wanted to give him a chance, I wanted you to have a father" She looked at me apologetically before continuing "But now, I know better. I've made mistakes.  Even his family rejected me and still do. Only your Uncle Joe, his elder brother treats me like a human." She pulled me into a huge and we cried. I felt sorry for mum. She had been through a lot in dad's hands and she accepted him because of me. I felt guilty. "I'm sorry" she apologised " I thought I was doing you good but I was wrong, yet again " "Mum, there's no need to  be sorry. It wasn't your fault. Divorce him mum, I'll come with you and we'll be fine" Mum laughed a little "If I decide to divorce your father, he'd want to hurt me by all means and that would include taking you from me" I frowned at that " What if I want to go with you?" I asked mum. She let out a deep breath "You're a minor, your opinion might not be considered. I need to find something concrete as a ground for divorce. Something that your father can't contest or deny and also build myself. Then I can have custody of you without any problems. But for now, no. " I shook my head. Telling her dad was the one who beat me up could help mum's case but I began to think about it. I had already told dad's lie to everyone.  If I suddenly changed my mouth, there was a possibility that everyone would believe mum forced me to do so and besides who would be my witness. I knew Mr Obi would surely take dad's side and his receptionist wouldn't counter him. So truly, now was not the time. Mum's phone rang and she answered the call and after few minutes,  she ended it but she didn't look too happy. "Mum, what is it?" I asked her "Chika and Ebere are around and want to see you."

      My jaw dropped.  Aunty Chika and Aunty Ebere were dad's sisters and they were the most troublesome people on earth.  I'm sure they were around to cause trouble as usual.  I'm not supposed to hate my aunties but considering the story mum just today me and all the trouble they had caused before,  I presently detested them. Aunty Chika was older than dad and Aunty Ebere like  mum was the last born. Mum's face contorted with anger "So Michael has the guts to inform his entire village, but I only told Anne?  Only God knows the kind of overgrown baby I married."  "Mum, please calm down " I told her.

     I internally hissed at myself knowing I wasn't even calm not to mention mum but I trusted God because at this point, I had no iota of strength left. All to you Lord!

   There goes chapter 7.
Hope Jasmine and her mum will pull through.
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Thanks and God bless

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