Chapter 19

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We were relishing the few minutes between assembly and commencing of classes when some students shouted "Mr Wusliu is coming "

The announcement was followed by students scurrying to their seats and getting ready for the iron man himself, then groans and murmurs everywhere

"Shebi  we stil have like ten minutes before class starts " Kemi complained

"I swear" Ebuka replied
Felicia and Jemima just grumbled beside me and Felicia murmured something about Mr Wusliu's oversabi being too much.

"As for me,  I need my beauty rest " Uyai said and tapped her face softly "It's not easy to maintain such a beautiful face . Joseph don't you think so?" She said batting her long eyelashes at the mumu  Joseph who was obviously enjoying the attention

"I think so " Joseph replied with a small smile on his face.

Gosh! It looked good on him

"Ashawo " Moses said and we all laughed. Uyai opened her mouth but before she could speak, Mr Wusliu came in

"All stand greet!" I announced as the class captain.

I hate this job

The whole class responded and greeted him and he replied our greeting and added "Keep standing"

Question and answer time.

We knew Mr Wusliu's catch phrase when he started this
"Miss a question , miss a mark"

"Ime, another name for lithosphere is? "
Ime replied and he asked her to seat

"Ebuka, define Mesosphere "

"Kemi, give me two characteristics of hydrosphere "

"Uyai, define SIAL and SIMA "

Uyai began to stutter and Mr Wusliu shouted
"Miss a question......."

"Miss a mark " the class shouted.

The question and answer session continued for twenty minutes before he started teaching and the entire class was as silent as a graveyard for fear of Mr Wusliu is the beginning of wisdom.

He moved his thin body round the class , walking and teaching , at the same time knocking students, warning some that he won't mark their notes if they didn't tidy them up, commending some,  warning others about their appearance, going through  some notes, using his long cane on others.

No one dared misbehave during Mr Wusliu's fourty minutes

Towards the end of the class, he began dictating "Assignment, "

Students concluded their notes and began to write the assignment
"Define rocks. State the types of rocks. Give  detailed explanation on the formation of the three types of rocks. Give three characteristics of each type of rock. Give three uses of rocks. Give three importance of rocks"

This man ehn!  Is that not the entire topic he has given us as assignment?

"Submit before assembly tomorrow. After assembly........"

"You're not my problem " the class finished and his lips curved into a small smile and he adjusted his belt

"I'm happy you know"

The class burst into laughter but we quickly regained composure

"What do you have now? " Mr Wusliu shouted

"Chemistry" the class responded

He nodded and the siren wailed signifying the end of geography class and after Mr Wusliu left, we ran to the chemistry lab.

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