Chapter 25

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To say I was shocked at the news of Felicia's mum's death was an understatement. One minute Felicia was actually hopeful that her mum would survive , the next minute her mum was dead. We spoke for a long time and Felicia told me how her mum  died. Apparently, she was in the hospital and they were all together with her when she passed.

  One minute she was with them, the next she was gone just like that. I didn't know when I started crying the tears just came out. I was so sad for Felicia after all she did to help her mum , she still died!

How was life without her mother going to be for Felicia? She was so close to her mother and I was so worried. I don't even know how the thought made its way into my head but I thought of how life would be without my mother.

It would be hell. No one would love me, no one who would comfort me. No one to stand up for me like she did not even dad. The thought of loosing mum was scary, disheartening.  It choked me and my chest ached as sobs racked my body. I was so scared. What if she died during labour? What if she was involved in an accident? Lagos drivers were not to be trusted at all. It was so frightening, I knew if such happened I would probably take my own life.  I cried and cried because I was so scared, so afraid. I was frightened and worried. I didn't want to loose her. I didn't want to have to say to anyone 'My mum is dead' I cringed at the thought

"God please protect her" I cried out loud. Felicia's mum's death hit too close to home. I rocked myself on the bed then finally lay down positioned like a foetus as tears continued streaming down my face. I began to pray

"God please hold her tight. Shield her, keep her from the dangers of life. Protect her, let her live to see me grow , let her go out each day and  come back unharmed. When it's time for her to give birth let her do so safely. God please don't take her away from me , don't tear us apart , please. God please I need her and you know that . Please bless her with good health of mind and body. Please.."

I couldn't go on. I just stayed and cried "Please, please "

My door opened and I heard mum's voice

"Jasmine how are you? "

My head snapped up at the sound of her voice. She was home and safe. She was fine.  She came back. I immediately ran to her and hugged her tight. My mum was home.

Thank you God

"Jasmine are you okay?" She asked gently stroking my back and I attempted holding my tears back but I failed and I broke into sobs again

"Ah ahn!  What is it?" She asked concern lacing her voice but I couldn't answer. I was busy crying and thanking God my mum came home.

"It's okay, it's okay " she said stroking my back gently. When I finally calmed down, she led me to my bed and we sat our arms linked

"Why are you crying? " she asked with worry obvious in her tone and expression. Her brows furrowed in concentration, peering at me until I gave an answer

"I don't know " I finally said and she looked at me quizzically

"You don't know why you're crying your eyes out? Jasmine is something wrong?" She asked stroking my face

"Felicia's mum is dead "I told her and her hands flew to her mouth

"Isn't Felicia one of your friends that comes with Bimpe. She and ehm...another one"

"Jemima " I informed her and she nodded "Yes ". Mum knew only Bimpe very well. In fact , her mum and my mum were friends because of us.

"Was she sick?"

I nodded "Cancer "

"Oh my goodness! May her soul rest in peace "

I muttered "Amen"

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