Chapter 15

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I was busy with a novel while munching on a pack of Maryland cookies when I heard a knock on my room door and went to open the door to see mum standing, a smile glued to her face. She was just coming from the hospital

"Good afternoon ma" I greeted her and moved aside for her to come in. She responded to my greeting, came in and sat on my bed.

"How are you? " she asked me as I sat on the chair opposite the bed

"I'm fine ma. How was your antenatal clinic "

She adjusted on the bed and rubbed her growing belly before answering.

See love for baby.

"That's one of the reasons I'm here " She paused before continuing with a smile on her face "I had to narrate my serious morning sickness and fatigue to the doctor and a scan was suggested "


"It's twins " she announced animatedly and laughed.

I didn't know what to say. I was happy, excited, surprised, and I joined her in laughing and went to hug her

"Congrats mummy "

"Thanks dear, it's an answer to my prayers after six years " she said the last part with sobriety.

I didn't know she never conceived so I was really happy for her
"You never conceived?" I asked her. She released me and the look on her face made me wish I didn't ask

"I'm sorry ma "

"No, no, I'm not........."

She looked down and toyed with the wedding ring on her finger
"I've lost seven pregnancies "

Seven what?!

A whole seven; one, two, three, four, five, six. ...SEVEN!

How ? when? where ? why?

Was this new pregnancy going to stay?
What can I do to help?
Has she gotten over the loss of her children?

Oh God!

Seven babies

The shock must have been written on my face because she apologised

"I'm sorry I never told you. "

I shook my head. She didn't need to be sorry. It must have been hard for her. Now it all became clear to me. Sometimes, she'd fall sick and refuse to go to the hospital but after recovery, instead of her to be happy, she was gloomy, moody for a while.

Was it because of the miscarriages?

I voiced my thoughts and she nodded in affirmation.

Chim o!

I hugged her and she hugged me back

"I didn't plan on telling anyone about this pregnancy because I was scared it wouldn't last. I told no one about the miscarriages just your father"
She smiled, but it was without humour rather looked like one of pain and negative reminiscence.

"He did nothing. He just shrugged it off and acted like he wasn't bothered. I kept it to myself, I didn't want anyone to know so I wouldn't be reminded "

I pitied mum as she spoke. This marriage had scarred her in so many ways but I hoped she would come out victorious. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted the tears on her face to cease and smiles to flow. I wanted her to laugh freely

"I'm sorry " I whispered "But now , you have the twins and I and we'll be here for you. My siblings will come and we'll take care of you "

Mum laughed and this time, it was genuine
"I've heard you "

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