Chapter 22

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I stared at Felicia for some time  not saying anything but processing the information she just gave me.

She did what?!

I wanted to believe it was a lie, a prank, a joke but the look on her face told me it was nothing but the bitter truth. It was reality.

"How?" I managed to whisper after some time and she began to fight tears and couldn't say a word. But I was too vexed to acknowledge that. So many things could have happened. She could have died or she could have lost her womb and then what she was trying to hide by having the abortion  could have burst out in the open and the news would spread like wildfire. But I guess luck was on my friend's side, none of those happened.

"I didn't want to do it " she whispered

"Then why did you do it?" I snapped. I couldn't help the anger I felt towards her but did she know what she was doing to herself? With the way she was going an abortion would certainly worsen the emotional burden on her. She could sink into depression , she might end up not forgiving herself. Forget about her, what about the innocent baby that didn't have a chance to live. The baby didn't ask to be born, he or she was made by his parents who were supposed to take responsibility and not kill the child.

Felicia why?

"It was Mr Obi that came up with the idea" She began "I didn't want to do it. I was scared of so many things. I could have lost my womb, I could have died and since it didn't look like he was going to stop sleeping with me anytime soon there was every possibility that I'll get pregnant again. Was I going to abort each one if it came to that?"

I wiped a tear that rolled down my cheek as she continued

"But he made me see reason with him. He asked me what I would do with a baby at fourteen. He said he would deny responsibility and would even take disciplinary action against me. He asked me to think about it"

"And you agreed" I snapped. "Felicia, what were you thinking for goodness sake?"

"I had to do it" she snapped back at me. "What will I have told my parents? "

"Why didn't you think about that before sleeping with a man old enough to be your father? " I lashed back at her and the look on her face made me regret saying that. Before I could apologise, she spoke

"Are you judging me? "

"No, Felicia please"

"Are you perfect?" She snapped

I chewed on my lower lip before trying to  speak but she beat me to it.

"You of all people know what I've been through and you're here judging me?"

I wanted to tell her that nothing justified her actions but I decided against it. Now was not the time.

"I'm sorry Felicia, but you know how I feel about abortion. " I sighed before  continuing "You know if my mum had aborted me, I won't be here so..."

"Would that not be better?" She spat

I looked at her angrily . What did she just say?

"Excuse me?"

She didn't stop. She actually went on

"Would that not have been better? Is it not better that they did not give birth to you than you going through all this from your father?" She snapped "You think that's the kind of life I want for my own child? If your mother loves you  she would have aborted you rather than keep you to receive this kind of treatment "

She didn't just say that right?

I couldn't help the anger I felt.

"What gives you the right to say that? Do you think you are better than my mother? Huh?  She let her  child live and gave her  child hope for life but you killed your own child and you stand here and compare yourself with her"

She folded her lips inward and tears didn't cease on her face but I didn't care anymore. I was beyond angry and I couldn't help my own tears.

"I'm sorry" she finally said. It was barely audible but I could still hear it. I ignored her and wiped my tears

"Jasmine, I'm really sorry " she said holding my hands and I looked at her.

"You shouldn't have said that" I told her

"I know and I'm really sorry. It's just that what kind of life would I have given my child?"

Her name came out like a groan
"You could have given your child a life by letting him or her live"

"Her " she simply said then spoke again "It was a girl. The doctor said so"

"Oh" was all I could say . Felicia had always wanted a girl as her first child saying she wanted to share with her daughter the same bond she shared with her mum. She would always say her Ada would be a miniature version of her and she couldn't wait to have a girl since she was the only daughter in her family. Now, her Ada was dead. I didn't want to imagine how she was feeling.

"Felicia " I rested my hands on her shoulder "The mistake most women who abort is that they think they have nothing to offer their child when in reality you have the child's life literally in you. That she was still in the womb doesn't deny her the right to live "

"But what about me, how would I have coped?" She asked crying and I took in a deep breath before answering

"Motherhood involves sacrifices which a lot of teenagers are not ready to make that's why it's advised we stay away from distractions . Even some mothers  weren't ready to be mothers when they did but they did the right thing by taking responsibility. They might not have done it alone but they bore the brunt of raising their children. It's sad how you got pregnant but the child should never bear the consequences of your actions"

I hugged her and she stayed in my arms crying. We both did but I couldn't imagine her pain, heartbreak.

God help her


Short chapter but another might come today or tomorrow. I'll try

Hope we learnt something from Felicia's story

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So long 😉😙😙

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