Chapter 11

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             It had been two days since I got back from the hospital, and - no, I didn't go for the deliverance session. Mum had slept in my room that night with the suspicion that Aunty Chika would want to take me in the morning when everyone was asleep and true to mum's suspicion,  she attempted that but mum caught her in the act and  warned her off.

             Felicia and Bimpe had called me that they would be coming over so I was on my way out to get some drinks across the street when I  saw  Aunty Ebere in the parlour watching television and not surprisingly, she stopped me.

"Where are you going? "
"I want to get some drinks across the street ma " I replied her hoping she would get out of my hair

"How much do you have in your hand? " she asked me flipping her long braids and I looked down at the five hundred naira note in my hand hoping she wouldn't try anything funny

"Five hundred naira ma "

"Good, buy me a bottle of Pepsi and two sausage rolls from the supermarket.

I narrowed my eyes. So this woman wants to disturb my day because we're home alone abi?

"Okay ma. Please money "

She looked at me like I had grown two heads "So that thing in your hand is sand okwa  ya ?" 

Was she expecting me to use my own money?  "But aunty, this is my money and if I use it to  buy what you asked for, I would be two hundred naira short and it won't be enough for me to buy what I need" 

She ignored me and faced the television and I stood waiting for her. I wasn't going to waste my money on her

"Are you still standing there? " she asked me after some time and I didn't answer. I would rather serve Felicia and Bimpe cold water alone than waste my money on Aunty Ebere.  They're my friends, they'll   understand

"Jasmine, before I close my eyes and open them, you are out of here" Aunty Ebere threatened and I reluctantly went outside and bought Aunty Ebere's things and a bottle of Fanta and Sprite each and two sausage rolls for my friends.

When I got home,  I placed my friends snacks and drinks in the fridge and Aunty Ebere's things on a tray and took them to her
"What were the other things in the nylon? "  she asked me
"Drinks and snacks ma"

"For who? "    I was now getting annoyed.  What was her business?

"My friends ma "
She looked at me with scrutiny before speaking "Does your father know that you are busy bringing strangers to the house?"

I mentally rolled my eyes. Felicia and Bimpe were not strangers. They cared  for me more  than this lazy twit seated here calling herself my aunt  Besides , dad travelled the day I returned from the hospital and was set to return a day to Christmas. I wasn't surprised when mum told me rather I was relieved and that was why Bimpe and Felicia could come freely. Normally, we would have met elsewhere because they were afraid of clashing with dad.  They had met him twice and decided that was enough and I didn't blame them 

"Mum knows that they are coming and she knows my friends so they're not strangers"

She clapped dramatically and began to laugh and I was really beginning to doubt her sanity. What's wrong with this one now ? 

"You're telling me they are not strangers and Mabel knows so I should clap for you. Just get out"

I thought you  wanted to say something before.  Idiot
I knew Aunty Ebere dared not stop me. Foolish woman. I entered my room ,  locked the door and jumped on my bed and began to scroll through my WhatsApp replying messages and viewing people's status. I was doing that when Aunty Anne chatted me up.

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