Chapter 37

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I was in the school clinic with the vice principal Mrs Bello and Nurse Faith the school nurse both of them trying to calm me down an hour after I saw Felicia in Mr Obi's arms.  I felt scared and worried that something bad had happened.

My mind went back to the moment I saw that. I had screamed so loud, Mrs Bello who was around the office heard me and rushed in to the dismay of Mr Obi. The school driver,  Mr Obi , and a female teacher Mrs  Ese went to a nearby  hospital and soon the police was came over and went into the and found the wall  stained with blood and same could be said for the floor. They began to ask me questions  about Felicia's relationship with Mr Obi but  I wasn't sure about revealing the real relationship between the two of them especially with the signals the receptionist was giving me. The police officer noticed and asked the receptionist to leave and the police woman whose name I later found to be Detective Ani pressed me to say the truth. It  felt so unreal and frightening answering questions about an attack on my  friend and at the end I gave in. With tears in my eyes and my heart beating faster than normal, I told Detective Ani everything about Felicia and Mr Obi but when I asked how Felicia was doing, they all dodged the question and instantly I knew something was wrong.

"Follow Mrs Bello to the clinic to have that wound checked" Detective Ani pointed at my arm and showed me an injury I didn't even know existed. We went out of the office and the stares that came from students and teachers even as they were in their classes irked me so I tried to hide my face as we walked.

Nurse Faith checked my wound and they advised I stay in the clinic and I was grateful since I was not ready to face any of my classmates or answer questions. It was shocking how the pricinpal's office had turned to a crime scene and police officers paraded the entire school.

Classes were not even going on properly as the entire school was upside down and so many people had questions. The police continued with their questioning and soon, some female students were being called upon to answer some questions.

The nurse handed me some water in a disposable cup and painkillers . I nodded in thanks as I took them from her and threw the pills into my mouth  and gulped the water immediately hoping it would soothe my headache. My eyes were swollen and red and my  head felt very heavy. My heart and mind were not at rest at all as every minute I checked the door to see if someone was coming with news.

I closed my eyes for a minute but a voice made me open them

"Good afternoon ma. How is she? "

My head snapped up and I found mum standing next to me. Not being able to say a word,  I stood up quickly and hugged her tight shedding tears profusely in her arms and she rubbed my back gently and I didn't think I had ever needed her more than I did in that moment.

"It's okay" she said repeatedly as she held me to herself but it was not okay. I felt weak and  guilty, I knew that if I had not pushed her she would not have gone to meet him and I would have had my friend with me not worrying about whether she was alive or not.

Somehow, my school bag was gotten from my class and I was allowed to go home with mum but I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay and find out how my friend was faring. It was my fault she was in bad shape and the least I could do was to be alert, to be there for her. I owed her that much.

I protested with loud sobs and screams when they suggested I left but in the end, we made it home and mum insisted I took a shower. I obeyed her and threw on a shirt and shorts and remained in bed crying since mum had gone to attend to the twins.

I felt frustrated, annoyed and disturbed by the fact that no one was giving me updates about Felicia. Mum came back almost immediately and slid into my bed and held me

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