Chapter 28

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In the weeks that followed my grandfather's death,  I saw a different side of dad. A vulnerable and weak side . It was as if a large chunk of his heart was stolen. He hardly ate , spoke or went out and it got mum worried to the extent of her reversing her cooking law and cooking for dad.

Aunty Ebere even in her mourning managed to offend mum again and mum said she could die if she liked and stopped bothering about Aunty Ebere.

Dad's friends and business partners came  to  pay condolence visits to dad and slowly, he got back on his feet. The loss of his father really did a number on him .

Mum was now six  months pregnant and she was big. No, huge. We arranged for a maternity shoot at Uncle Felix's house, since Aunty Ivie was also pregnant.  I was shocked when I found out about Aunty Ivie's pregnancy because mum said both of them were in the same stage and during mum's birthday party, she didn't look pregnant.

Mum and I got to their house quite early and the women decided to gist about anything and everything until the photographer and make up artist came. I didn't know pregnant women liked stress because this shoot mum and Aunty Ivie wanted to do was pure stress .

How can they decide to wear three different outfits? !

The first outfit was a casual one. They both wore white polos and blue jeans and their methods of posing were hilarious. The two took separate pictures, then one with members of their families. So it was mum and I first, then Aunty Ivie, Uncle Felix and their little son, Ovie. The next pictures were for the mothers alone and the both of them made us laugh by rubbing their protruding bellies together.

They changed into two more different outfits and took more pictures and I was taking one of the pictures with mum where she sat on a stool and I sat beside her on the floor and rested my head on her big stoma when I felt a kick from mum's stomach and we both laughed wholeheartedly.

"The babies are saying that you should remove your head from their space" mum whispered.

She was still keeping it from her family that she was expecting twins although grandma knew, she asked that it stayed between the three of us .

I couldn't help but smile at the joy in the entire environment. When we were done taking the pictures, I asked the photographer if I could see the pictures where  mum and I laughed and he showed me and I smiled lovingly. Even without editing, the pictures were beautiful. The white gown mum wore hugged her body , properly showing her huge bump and I was in my white up blouse and trousers and the laughter was what I called priceless.

After the shoot, the photographer said the pictures would be ready in days and we all were giddy with excitement.  Later in the afternoon, mum and I left after an eventful day.

We got home to meet Aunty Chika shouting at us when we came in

"Ohh, here they come! Wicked people"

"Chika, what warrants this display of insanity?" Mum asked clearly annoyed

"Me! Insane, Mabel are you okay?"

"Sister, this is exactly how she insulted Mama that day " Aunty Ebere chipped in from behind Aunty Chika and mum hissed

"I will pretend this little drama didn't happen and walk away " Mum said and Aunty Chika dragged her back

"Mabel, you're trying to walk out on me. I will-"

"You will what?! What exactly will you do? No, Chika what can you do?!" Mum snapped shocking Aunty Chika "It's like they've not informed you abi? If you try nonsense, I will put you in your place. What rubbish!  You people utilised the last respect I had for you all so know now that if you misbehave, you'll have it hot so let me advice you , whenever you're here respect yourself because if you push me any further, I will injure you. My quietness does not depict stupidity or cowardice so know and know now that the madness you people have been looking for has been found so if you try rubbish, you shall see! "

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