Chapter 14

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Before the chapter,  I'd like to thank you guys, my wonderful readers, voters  and those with their rib cracking comments. 😂 Our book has reached over 300 reads and I'm thankful to you all for your support. Please,  to our readers that only read  without voting or commenting. Please do so. Like I said before, it's motivating . Remember, I'm open to correction and constructive criticism NOT insults and demoralising comments.   I  haven't experienced that so far, so thank you for that. Anyway, thanks again to my readers , God bless you all.

Before we go on Digwo (a Delta word used in the previous chapter ) is pronounced Dee -woh, the 'g ' is silent and Ose means father or daddy in Delta.  Thanks

  Here goes chapter 14 ;

   The shock on mum's face was priceless as we shouted
'Surpriise '

Grandpa and grandma's maid Aunty Comfort who stood behind mum with a tray containing some food shouted 'Jehovah!'  and we all laughed and began to sing to mum

"Happy birthday to you "

Her hands covered her mouth and her gaze moved from face to face as if she was confirming that everyone was really here and she began to laugh  while muttering 'Oh my God! '

At the end of the song, she laughed  and shook her head

"Oghene! "

Everyone laughed

"What will I say now? "

"Say we're the best family, cuz we are " Uncle Steve said and mum nodded

"That's very true.  Thank you "

"Jasmine! " mum said my name, planting her hands on her hips

"Were you in on this? "

I laughed "Yes ma " I said and her jaw dropped

"Thank you all so much " she said and began hugging us one after the other and my grandparents prayed for her.

"Time for her gifts " Aunty Joy, Uncle Steve's wife announced and we all laughed and Aunty Laura said "Fast , start loading her"

The noise after Aunty Laura's announcement was much as everyone began to rush mum with gifts and some of my cousins and I began to take pictures 

"You people should not overload her o, think of my innocent grandchild she's carrying o " grandma said and we all laughed

"Mummy help me tell them o " mum said amidst the noise

After the gift giving,  the 'Event planners of the family ' as we liked to call Uncle Felix and his wife Aunty Ivie,  stood up to announce the agenda of the day.

I loved this.  Christmas was always a day I looked forward to and because of mum's birthday, I was sure this year was gonna have extra fun .

"Ladies and gentlemen " Uncle Felix called out using a fork to hit a glass cup. I stood in a corner in the spacious living room and listened.

"As we all know " Aunty Ivie started
"Today is the thirtieth birthday of our darling last born.  So apart from our usual Christmas fun, we'll be having a little more fun because our baby has hit the big thirty "  She wiggled her eyebrows at mum and we laughed.

Aunty Ivie was just a playful person.  The family sometimes called her 'Miss  Benin  ' because she was very beautiful and came from Benin city

"So first of,  we will crown the celebrant with her beautiful crown " Uncle Felix announced and mum smiled

"Really?  Crown me? "

We all laughed and Cecilia, Uncle Steve's second daughter walked in with a nice tiara and grandpa was called upon to 'crown his baby girl '

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