Chapter 32

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The news grandma gave me shocked me as I dropped my phone abruptly and attacked her with questions

"How? For how long? Is she in pain? "

"Jasmine, calm down and take the bag to the car then start locking the doors and windows, we're leaving for the hospital now. " Grandma instructed and I nodded and ran out of my room, a prayer for mum's safe delivery on my lips.

I couldn't describe how scared I was. A lot could happen during labour. Mum could have complications, the twins might be in danger or they might be too big for a natural delivery. Someone could die. I couldn't shake off the worry I felt.

I finished what grandma asked me to do and met she and mum in the living room. Mum was on her feet, her hands clutching the dining table like it was a life line and grandma's hand was moving in circles on her back muttering words of encouragement to mum

"Grandma, I'm ready " I said announcing my presence. I held nothing but a torchlight and my phone.

Grandma looked up "Okay . Mabel let's move "

Mum looked up and gave me a weak smile "It's like they'll be your birthday mates o "

I nodded and smiled. I was so worried, I didn't even think of that
"Are the contractions strong ? "I asked and mum nodded

"Each one is stronger than the last." She seemed to sense my worry as we got into the car, both of us at the back seat and grandma at the steering wheel "I'll be fine. It's normal " she said squeezing my hand and just as she said that, she let out a cry of pain and shut her eyes tight

"Sorry, do " grandma said and I nodded saying 'Sorry'

"Grandma, aren't we going now?" I asked when she wasn't starting the car

"We are but I'm trying to reach Anne or - Eh hen!  Anne, hello.....Evening, look Mabel is in labour o, I've been trying to reach Felix and the others....It's a lie! .......Okay, see you all at the hospital " Grandma ended the call and I could hear the joy and panic mixed in her voice as she spoke

"Ivie is also in labour."

I stared at her in shock . This was a huge surprise

"Let's go, let's go " She said and started the car .

We got to be hospital and met Uncle Felix and Aunty Anne already there. Uncle Felix was with Aunty Ivie and when he came out to meet us, he was restless.

Uncle Steve  came over and  we were with mum for hours and  it was already past 1 am before she was ready to  push so we all with the exception of grandma were asked to leave the ward.

The hours we spent in the waiting room were the longest hours of my life. I paced and prayed hoping everything would be fine. I knew I looked and behaved worse than men whose wives were in labour but I couldn't help it. I was scared that something could go wrong.

I had never needed God or prayer more in my entire life. My heart was literally in my mouth and I was so tense

Now I wished I had not gone to research everything about labour and find out about the many complications because I was sure what I didn't know won't hurt me

Aunty Anne and Uncle Steve told me to calm down that mum would be fine and they  wished me happy birthday and even though I was grateful, I didn't know how they were so calm. Birthday messages and calls were already coming in but I was so tensed and not in the right frame of mind to answer anyone so I put my phone on airplane mode. 

The ear piercing screams and the wails coming from the wards did nothing to put me at ease instead they only increased my fear. It seemed there was a baby boom that day because two women apart from mum and Aunty Ivie were also in labour.

Behind the Mask✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora