Chapter 24

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I got up from my bed with a groan as I went to answer the person knocking furiously on my room door. I muttered "I'm coming" and opened the door to meet grandma looking at me. I stepped aside to let her come in and she did and sat on my bed. I hoped it was not going to be another lecture or round of insults

"Come and sit " she tapped the spot beside her and I obliged

"Nwam , you've been crying. Why nau? Ogini? "

I shook my head saying nothing. I just wanted to be left alone in peace

"Look, if it's because of your father I will talk to him. He's my child "

I nodded just to satisfy her. My eyes were heavy and I simply wanted to cry it out. I wanted some form of peace amidst this chaos. I just wanted to be alone. Grandma and my aunties couldn't help me even if they tried. They couldn't understand me, they couldn't understand my hurt and I hadn't met anyone who could. Not even my friends understood how I felt. I had thought of calling one of my friends to talk to but I decided against it. They had their issues as I had mine.

"But Jasmine, you know your mother isn't helping issues. She's not being a good wife to your father "

This is exactly what I was avoiding. I said nothing at first but then I wanted to satisfy my curiosity. I wanted to know why she wasn't a good wife. Why after everything she did she was a bad person so I spoke

"Why is mum not a good wife?"

Grandma nodded "Good question. Your mother doesn't respect us, she's so selfish in fact she cares for only herself. Can't you see how she treats my children and I? Can't you see how she provokes your father? She doesn't have any respect for him despite all he did for her. He feeds her, clothes her, gives her shelter yet she's ungrateful. Look at how she shouts at Ebere at the slightest provocation. Aren't all these things enough for your father to want to beat her?"

I looked at her briefly, not believing my ears. Mum had tolerated all of grandma's nonsense for years and because she now spoke up and defended herself and no longer tolerated all of her unjust acts she was now a bad wife. How amusing

"Grandma doesn't she cook for you all? Doesn't she go on errands for you? She doesn't shout unless she's provoked and grandma mum is pregnant. I've never been pregnant but I can see it's not easy. She--"

"Jasmine stop" grandma cut me short "Are you now supporting evil? Are you supporting her? This is exactly what I'm saying. She's rubbing off on you. Stop supporting evil "

I nodded "What about me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Am I also a bad daughter? "

She shifted uneasily and scratched the back of her neck. I guessed she had no answer

"Why does dad hate me ?"

"No o, don't say that. He loves you very much. He is only training you "

Of course

I knew that would make the cover up for dad's behaviour towards me.

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