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It had been about a week since my last encounter with Harry, and I still found myself questioning what I wanted regarding him and where we'd go from here. We hadn't talked at all besides his text telling me he got home alright, but then again as of now there really wasn't anything that we needed to say.

Aside from that whole situation, we were nearing the last three months of school, so things were about to become quite chaotic with exams and my professors piling assignments on top of the studying that I had to do. Graduation would be soon, life was going at one-hundred miles a minute and I felt like I didn't have room to breath.

So that leads to now, I was sitting in my dorm room with Calum working on a project.

Rain lightly patted against the window as 'Good Luck' by Dijon played on my speaker. Our laughter filled the room as Calum made stupid dad jokes while I tried to finish our paper.

The vibes were immaculate, if I do say so myself.

Even with the constant, non-stopping piles of homework came my way, I wasn't stressed. Emotionally, for the first time in a long time I was doing well. There wasn't much that I was keeping inside anymore, and I partially had Harry to thank for that. Talking to him allowed me to let go of the baggage that was my pent-up emotions... nothing was dragging me down anymore.

"Okay, okay. What about this one? What does a vegetarian zombie eat?"

I shook my head, "I dunno, what?"


I stifled a giggle, "That's not even funny."

"Or maybe you just have no sense of humor."

"Excuse you! I'm very funny actually." I stated, knowing damn-well that I'm the least funny person to walk the planet.

"I actually don't think I've heard any of your jokes Bella. Please, enlighten me with your comical knowledge."

"Hush. I need to finish this," I said, wiggling my finger at him.

Calum chuckled and rolled his eyes, turning back to his laptop and began typing away. "How much do we have left to do on the powerpoint?"

I hummed for a second before switching tabs on the computer, letting out a groan when I saw that we weren't even halfway finished.

"We still have so much to do," I said, letting out a sigh and running my hands through my hair.

I checked the time on my phone, seeing that it was nearing eleven-thirty. "How about we go get lunch, then we can come back and bust our asses to get it done? I'm gonna need some caffeine."

"Sounds like a plan." Calum spoke, smiling.

We packed up our things and put our shoes on, before heading out the door. Once out of my dorm building we were met with rain, and I was mentally thanking myself for grabbing an umbrella before we left.

I opened the umbrella and Calum took it from my hands, I gave him a weird look to which he replied, "I'm trying to be a gentleman."

I let out a giggle before we began our walk to a small coffee shop that was in the middle of the campus.

Calum shook out the umbrella before we walked inside. He held the door for me and I muttered a small 'thank you' before walking to the counter.

"Do you know what you want?" I asked, looking at Calum.

"Whatever you're having, I'm not picky." He smiled.

I nodded before ordering two salad wraps and coffees, along with a couple muffins. I was about to pay when Calum snuck his way in front of me and swiped his card in the machine, leaving me to frown at his actions.

"I was perfectly fine paying, you know."

"I know, but I felt like it." He shrugged.

I eyed him as we waited for our order, grabbing the two paper bags and drinks we headed back to the dorm. I found myself wishing that we would have taken a bit longer, as I didn't really like doing homework on Saturdays.

Begrudgingly we headed back to my room, kicking our shoes off at the door I sat on the bed with my wrap and coffee, while Calum sat at my desk. Calum opened his mouth to speak when there was a knock at the door.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I wasn't expecting anybody at the RA didn't say that she was coming for inspections, so I wasn't sure who it was.

Getting up from my seat I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Isabella!" My dad spoke, engulfing me in a hug.

"Mom? Dad? What're you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to come see you before graduation. My mom said before her gaze moved from me to the room behind me. "And who is this young man?"

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